min alskaren

here's something: i'm not saying don't put rape in your shows or your books or your movies. what i am saying is you know maybe think about how you're doing it or why you're doing it and what message you're sending and what you're portraying in the scene.
like some basic good storytelling that's all.

you can't just add anything you want i mean sure there's dragons but you can't do WHATEVER you want it's not like he's the one creating the story i mean

don't forget about all the mass murders that go unreported every year!

i also wanted to add that there is an episode of mystery incorporated where the town or whatever got cursed by an even ska band and they were all forced to skank while their life energy or whatever was drained.
basically i had to have a 30 minute conversation with my kids about ska music and ska dancing and skanking.

i've watched and loved all of these except for spongebob
and it's not even like i have beef with spongebob i just kind of missed my window on it
maybe we'll give it a shot though

i'm kind of surprised it took this long to turn this book into a movie.
personal anecdote i used to work in a coffee shop that the author frequented and he was a really nice dude.

look how good han looks

from tour bus damage

the look, minus the forehead tattoo, really appeals to this version of me who existed in 1998.

please stop

i guess i don't really get it.
it's pretty dumb to let some stranger asshole jerk or whatever ruin something for you or keep you from watching/reading/listening to something you might end up enjoying.

i was typing a similar comment about how "i outgrew this kind of behavior after high school!!!" but then i also thought of some stuff

didn't it start as a family/children's educational show? i remember reading something to that effect but i am far too lazy to actually look it up.
having said that, i do watch a lot of doctor who because my kids love it.

i so rarely disagree with you but i gotta disagree about this.
however, i'd probably feel differently if i didn't have 3 daughters ages 9 and under so there's that.

next time i kick a dude in the ballsack i'm gonna preface it with "don't worry this is just a joke"

my daughter is super into silk

"What I find even more hilarious is that no one ever says we NEED more Asian, Native American, Latino, etc. representation."
people are saying this constantly but you're too busy vomiting up your anti-SJW bullshit to hear them.


of course they did

*shrug* i like all of these :D