min alskaren

tardy for the party.
as much as i love jim beaver and as much as i adore bobby they have got to let this go already.
he had the perfect send off episode and they already bastardized that by bringing him back as a ghost(what the fuck) and then AGAIN as a soul trapped in hell(also what the fuck.)

he also happens to be a hero but that's secondary

oh my god me too!! twinsies!!


too soon, poor taste, how dare you.
take your pick.

yes some of us have crushes on harrison ford and will listen to him narrate anything

glee really let me down. it's certainly in my top 5 of most disappointing shows.
like i feel personally offended by how bad it got.

calling you a wambulance right now

i more or less agree with this entire list but i'd rank bukowski higher


oh god a kirby mobile game would be perfect

well boobs make it uncomfortable for them to hold the controller that's just basic biology

i don't know anything about your age but i feel like this is a real immature statement like - oh no a thing i like is becoming more accessible to the masses waaaah! this is something i would have said/done in high school probably.
also it's nintendo for christ's sake this isn't some underground shit dude.


don't tell me how to say pls on the internet pls

i'd be addicted to sleeping in and not having as many financial responsibilities god i'd love to do a line of that right now

you win this round, where smeagols dare.
you win this round.

the larger story is that i have 4 small children and this is one of their favorite movies. we're not capitalist monsters, though, if that's what you're getting at.

i'm just here to call people out for making rape jokes so save me the trouble and don't make any pls

i sure hope there are some hot dude zombies with thick, heavy balls i can ogle.