min alskaren

ellen and jo though…

i liked that one too

the women are either madonnas or whores. i honestly don't see how people don't get that.
charlie being the only exception because she's a lesbian and therefore not seen as "threat."

her face when sam mentioned dragons? priceless. :)

it's called a joke, honey. sorry if that one flew right past you.
and i'm not "morally outraged" jesus christ on a cracker…

my exact response. i wish we had some sort of webcam show version of what kevin was up to during these off episodes because i'd watch the hell out of that. i'm so concerned for kevin.

shit i wish i had two penises.

do you have a penis just wondering

edit: you know i wasn't going to actually go into detail about this but i'll go ahead. my comment about dean having sex and not being shirtless was a joke—sarcasm. the entire premise of him having sex in this episode was so bizarrely absurd that i was attempt to make light of it.

i downvoted this comment out of spite but i decided to undo it because i don't think you downvoted my comment.
whatever… to each their own, i suppose.

so true. it's not like you can have an issue with one aspect of a show or a thing and still enjoy the rest of it, right? it's all or nothing!

"I really don't see the show as having a problem with women." sorry but this made me laugh out loud

this episode was just a mess from start to finish. if it weren't for jody being badass as fuck and ezekiel showing up at the end and acting like a shady motherfucker i'd have graded this in the D range.
and i'm sorry but dean has sex and we don't even see him shirtless? really supernatural? i can forgive so many

C+ but only because jody kicked fucking ass

it's almost like the growth spurts depicted on the show are unnatural.

i've been watching the gifs roll in over on tumblr and man, that young dean kid was incredible. he really picked up on all of jensen's little mannerisms for dean and his facial expressions. the brown eyes were killing me but other than that, he was excellent.

i was yelling "fuck yeah! salt 'n' burn" at my computer screen. i also may or may not have squealed when dean whipped out his EMF. what i'm saying is it was nice to get back to basics.

i gave up on revolution 3 episodes in but now they've got ben edlund so i'll be crawling back there whether it's good or not.

i don't like this new review format it's making me cranky.
okay, now that my cranky pants comment is out of the way i can safely say that this episode was probably a b+ for me. you know what fuck it it was an a, a+ even. i don't care. i love dean. he's my favorite thing ever and this episode was full of all these

i mean dean is the hottest always. sam too.
but john… i'd call him sir all night long.