min alskaren

yeah i don't think jdm will ever return, which is unfortunate because he truly is the hottest winchester.

agree—same goes for angels: wings or it didn't happen.

ooh i love crazy fan theories! it was very sweet that nora noted his specialness(and the bad ass angel did, too) because that's something cas needs to be reminded of after being told how flawed and broken he is for so very long.
it was also nice to have dean reassure him by saying he was proud of him.

sam/gabriel is a pretty popular pairing although it's a bit too cracky for my taste.

the noise i made during that scene was inhuman, just the highest of squeals.

"he's almost the Mads Mikkelsen of being an angel-out-of-water."
this is so well-stated.

god i hope so. i'd love to see abaddon tear crowley to shreds.

i agree. it was a good and solid episode.
additionally cas in this episode with the signing and the mimicking human behavior and the baby holding—cutest shit ever.
i bet nora wants a date with him now.

"I think it's annoying and excessive to call homophobia on a gay writer
for writing a joke, cheap as it may have been, but a silly one

it's also a pretty popular southern nickname for a buddy, second only to "bubba,"
source: i'm a southerner

i've been conditioned to suppress my laughter whenever that organ music plays

"On top of the execution, that felt like something that Ben Edlund would look at like Dan Harmon looks at Community Season 4."
ooh i've got a crush on this comment

oh no not the fangirls with their silly opinions on a thing

i think the writer tweeted something about the dog being gay? honestly i don't remember.

what do shippers have to do with it? i think one of the writers tweeted a gay joke or insinuated the yorkie was gay? something along those lines. the gay joke was cringeworthy but i don't think anyone is that pissed about it.
personally, i think generalizing an entire group of the fandom based on a few is far more

it physically hurt me to know that kevin was out a on bender and we weren't going to get to see it

haha yes good point.

ugh nothing to see here

oh i know sam's not an idiot. i'm saying we're not idiots either. although i guess the doggy traits thing needed to be said at some point. honestly i have no clear idea what my point was with that comment last night. heather had a little too much gin. *shrug*

before the season 8 finale i would agree but after that scene in the church i was convinced things were going to change. oh well jokes on me.