min alskaren

right? so subtle and cute. i kind of wish sam hadn't called him on it because i think the audience got it without the mention but whatever. it was cute nonetheless.

"Also, a big 'Castiel and Dean Go Hunting' episode next week! I have high hopes."
god i can't wait

oh don't be silly! brother secrets are what drives the plot!

false. dean is always the cutest thing on the show. always.

you're not alone, my dear.

i enjoyed the episode, don't get me wrong but B- it was not. especially after the epic "then" the show trotted out before the episode. it's established that dean doesn't like dogs so i expected the episode to play on that a little more but i guess it was more important to show dean crushing on a dog.
but whatever,

totally! that's such a great way to put it, too. that's how i feel about a lot of other ships—not just supernatural ones. :)

idk man, dean running around purgatory trying to find his angel and wanting to get cas to come home with him even if it meant killing them both? then the whole "i didn't let you down like i let down everyone else i care about" or whatever bit. plus all the season 7 finale stuff.
but i do know what you mean about

i'm kind of old and i have zero clue what yaoi is so it's not just something wee fangirls made up. or even fangirls in general. plenty of people see the subtext present—male, female, old, young, etc.
but yeah, some see it and some don't and i don't think either viewer is wrong or right. just people interpreting things

sam, dean, charlie… they're all friends of dorothy!

no she just said they were all online and that some of the unpublished works had been put online, at least that was my understanding.

god i wish i could not see destiel
it would make my life so much easier

what you didn't want another super male gaze-y kiss like the one from the LARP episode?

also: "at first i thought it was fanfiction but it's clearly edlund's work" best line of the entire series and i'm not just saying that because i'm in love with ben edlund or anything

the maritime lawyer has a point

i think it has more to do with actors schedules and less to do with the writers not wanting them to have friends.
also it's early. not sure how up-to-date you are on some of the writers/producers interviews but both singer and carver have stated they wanted this season to have more of an ensemble feel so i'm guessing

we'll get to see dean do more awkward lying and maybe it'll be played for laughs or something.

i liked the episode but "Yeah, Dean, I like to read books — the kind without the pictures." totally got under my skin.
it's already established canon that dean is a big reader, nay a nerd of sorts. so that line rubbed me the wrong way. it came off cheap and crass.

what?? you didn't find the amelia story riveting?? he hit a dog and then he fixed air conditioners. i was on the edge of my seat.

dorothy and charlie are already a couple in my mind. i've tried to remove my shipper goggles but they don't come off. oh who am i kidding i didn't even try.