min alskaren

Part of me agrees but a larger part of me blindly loves everything Ben Edlund does regardless of rhyme or reason.

I gave this episode an A because of Cas. No shame in my game.

the finn and puck college scenes were so cringeworthy.

I was disappointed because no one got shot. This is where I am with this show. This is what the show has turned me into. I hope you're happy, Glee.

i'm going to be honest, this whole idea is kind of hot to me.

i've grown accustom to that, though.

i give phil's image choice an A.
i gave the episode an A, too because it had everything i look for in a supernatural episode. wtf moments, pain, sadness, sacrifices, plot holes, and more pain.

that whole scene i kept thinking "oh no she didn't." well played, naomi, well played.

can't we take a minute to recognize that this guy is a badass?

i can't hate. it's one of my favorite pictures of misha.

all of his characters are just different shades of badass.

open up a can of fucking peaches!

my favorite episode of any show is jim beaver's first episode.


"no one has explained its ongoing appeal to me"
a lot of attractive people having a lot of sex.

"But the cornerstone of the show’s appeal is Hardwick’s banter with his guests.."
this has got to be a fucking joke.

their pacing kills me. i mean, i love that the show is this giant ensemble cast but we don't need to see every single character in every single episode.

it's been a fun, campy mess since the beginning. my only issue with previous seasons is when the show tried to get serious, only to fall flat.
i also stopped caring about the characters and about what happened to them around season 3. it's made me enjoy the show much more.

i was hoping the music would be better in season 8 because they were moved out of the friday night slot but alas, no change.

Man, after that one episode with her and Sam I was wishing she'd be Sam's love interest.