min alskaren

@avclub-2e89f5ef5c07dcb98fe19a39c915f9ec:disqus I love your comments so much.

I think Dean's been weaning himself off the sauce. They have made a point of showing him drinking a lot of coffee lately, especially in the batcave scenes.
That line about Bobby cut me deep. I am still nowhere near over his death and part of me wanted Dean to punch that dude for making a disparaging(all be it mostly

It was a pretty solid motw episode and the bros did a little talking about ~feelings~ so I was happy.

They've been great. I just wish they'd bring back my favorite sheriff, Jody Mills.

I would watch this, but Dean would have to be the high school gym teacher.

i don't know, even up until the very end part of me expected meg to turn out to be evil again. i assumed she was working some sort of angle.
i think sacrificing herself was the ultimate way to redeem herself.

i like the theme of "people who love dean can't kill him."
that whole crypt scene was beautiful and i loved seeing cas on the bus, it made me chuckle a bit.

meg!sam is probably my favorite.

i said it, too. sisterwives *highfive*

is castean like destiel? if so, i agree.

sure, it's a little like supernatural(or supernatural is a little like it) but did route 66 have an episode with a racist truck?

Hell, I'd be happy if they stripped all the way down to 1 layer of clothing.

Those are pretty great ratings for a CW show, though. Supernatural has a great deal of viewers overseas who find "alternate" ways to view the show.

in rod we trust

But what about what I want, Tina? How could you do this to me?!

I just want you to know that you're my favorite.

The problem is that Amy Poehler and Tina Fey should have hosted. They should host everything.

I love this hot mess of a show. Sure, in every season I eventually get to that point where it's almost completely unwatchable but I kind of like that about it?

calling amelia 'bland veal.' i love this comment!
