min alskaren

I'm invested in these characters and I'll probably keep watching no matter how bad it gets.

Christ, whatever needs to be done to get Richard Speight Jr. back on my tv. I'll go along with it, Supernatural. Plot holes be damned!

I think this is how Cas becomes 2014 Cas. My favorite theory is that it really is all going to end at The End. Lucifer was right, no matter what they do it will always end there. At least that's what I would like to happen.
And add in the reappearance of that Michael painting and the fact that Meg's endgame is Lucifer

"Still, seeing Dean's horrified expression towards bananas and bottled water made the whole thing worthwhile."
I concur. Also, he looked pretty sharp in that new leather jacket. I don't know when he had time to go shopping but damn!

There's a pretty stark contrast between Dean's body and that of Sam. You can tell Sam works out a lot more and he eats a hell of a lot better.

We also see that painting of Michael defeating Lucifer again, the one that was in the angel green room with Dean and Zach. ~foreshadowing~

Ahhh.. I get it now. Thank you.

I can't even imagine where this bone is going to come from. The immediate assumption was Dean but now I'm not so sure.
I agree, it was nice to have that moment between Sam and Cas. It's comforting to hear that Sam understands. Of course he would but hearing it feels good.

I keep trying to understand the Pierce Hawthorne reference in this review but I don't expect I'll ever. I mean, maybe Abed could or would write an episode like this(just judging by his detailed character descriptions in the D&D epi) but Pierce?

he pulled it out of his butt-face

I loved this episode, but what else can we expect from Edlund? His episodes know how to emotionally cripple me in just the right way.

But why?

Damned IRL!

And Dr. Horrible's sing-a-long blog. Am I crazy or wasn't that popular? Maybe it's just crazy popular in my house. :)

" However, I am willing to concede that her presence did make a lot of sense in Dick Roman's shiny happy menacing universe"

I don't know. The shitty review makes the comments better and the comments are the best part in my opinion.
There were a lot of complaints about Zack's reviews, too, but he was more objective or at least better at masking his disinterest?

I'm of the opinion that a change in showrunners will do the show some good. Basically starting from scratch after tying up the Apocalypse 5 season arc was extremely difficult, no doubt, but there were many things they could have done and many storylines they seemed to set up but never take anywhere.

I'm going to go ahead and profess my love to you right now.

This comment just made me want to jiggle my boobs around. This comment, plus the whiskey.

On the bright side he have it a B-