min alskaren

How do you know her death wasn't his will? Maybe he didn't want her blowing up that plane. Or maybe she was just there to bring a certain group of people together and now that she's done that, her mission is over.
The point is we don't know either way. It's unclear.

The Others also went to 'great lengths' to take a lot of people deemed special. Yes, Walt did seem like he was extra special but I'm over that. So many characters on this show have special abilities that I'm willing to let this slide.

I am not a Jack fan but he's very much improved since his trip to the lighthouse.

Did anyone actually think Desmond was dead?

I'm with Noel on this one. I don't need answers to all of my questions and I certainly didn't appreciate the info dump-y nature of the 'whispers' answer but it didn't ruin the episode for me. It did kind of detract from the revelation or the answer, which is part of the reason why this episode didn't get an A from me.

This might have been mentioned but I've only just skimmed tonight, tomorrow I'll read everything..
Did anyone else get a Dr. Sam Beckett/Quantum Leap vibe from AU Desmond?

Maybe he played a different set of numbers.

I was pleased with Ilana's exit and I found it quite fitting.
She was there to serve a purpose and then she was done. And the Arzt call back was kind of nice. Plus taking her out is a nice way to ease us into the bloodbath that is surely coming.

I didn't think he won the lottery in the alteraverse. The lottery wasn't mentioned in the slideshow.

Ilana served her purpose and the island was done with her.

Maybe the problem is that you expected these characters to be more like Bunk and Lester.

I tried watching during Season 3 but I just couldn't get into it. I finally caught up before Season 5 and I'm loving it.
It's definitely worth trying out more. I think it gets better as the seasons progress.

I also liked the line, for the same reason thirsty stated.

There definitely needs to be more Castiel.

I agree, Jake.

@i and 1
I think that's a good idea and I would be on board with it.

Those are some strict rules, Nick and you'll just have to excuse me if I don't agree.

The actual box Desmond was in looked as though Widmore's people assembled it on the island themselves. But the controls appeared older, as if they had been on the island this entire times.
To answer your question, I have no idea.

I'm mostly fond of Michael as carry over from his work on OZ.
Also I apologize if people think the mention of his name is a spoiler or spoiler-y.
Even before seeing the promo I figured Michael would be back. I mean it's the final season and he was so important for so long. A lot of people have returned and more will be

Oooh, that's an interesting theory. I kind of like it.