min alskaren

The call backs to the constant and the fact that the two worlds came crashing together for Desmond the moment he touched Penny's hand was just perfect. The two worlds are even closer than ever.

I wondered if maybe we'd see another couple there getting coffee.

I just read it as a world with Smokey's influences versus Jacob's. It's a bit matrix-y.

Well as proven by certain people in this episode, Eloise is not the only one somewhat conscious as to what is going on. Given her leadership role on the island and her knowledge of time travel, etc she might be more in tune to what is going on than some of the others who have merely taken note that things seem a bit

I thought the episode was pretty emotional. Interesting how Dean's moments are all so family oriented and Sam's are the opposite.
This episode, I thought, was also laying some much needed groundwork for an upcoming Sam/Dean cat fight—with Pamela urging Dean to say yes to Michael and Dean seeing Sam's version

They might have wanted her but from what I hear the actress is hard to get.
I was also very surprised to not see Jessica in Heaven especially because she was used earlier in this season to try and convince Sam to say yes to Lucifer.

Bourne I too thought that she was going to reveal to Jin that she spoke English.
I also didn't catch the part where she said she was pregnant because I was too busy bawwwing over her being shot and Jin and Sun not living happily ever after.

Arsenio does that show air before or after Oww my balls?

Dumbledore you speak the truth. The horrible, sad truth.

I thought it was pronounced Ce-ash-a. We'll have to summon a fan to confirm.

Re: nottheradio
I'm not sure if Rose being cancer free is all that significant. It just further shows how powerful or magical the island is or can be. I don't think it means Rose is special.
I could be wrong, though.

Based on that first airport scene with Sun and Jin in LA X I'm going to assume Sun can speak English but that she was keeping it a secret from Jin until she knew for sure that he wanted to run away with her.

To hell with subtleties!
They should have just called the episode "That guy named Hume who turns the key."

My death list consists of Sayid, Ben and possibly Richard.
But I don't want anyone to die, really.

Well there's no way all of these people are getting out of this alive so now it's just a matter of time. Sayid and Ben have bullets with their names on them, no doubt.

How is this a signal that a woman is desperate for attention and regular, routine maintenance of the hair in that area is not?
I'm not a fan of beading up my vag or anything nor am anti-grooming but it just seems like Jlove is taking grooming to an extreme and recreational level. Personally, I don't see anything wrong

what's more intolerable
Ke$ha or her rabid fans?

I sincerely believe that those who are fans of Avatar, those that are big enough fans to purchase it on dvd, will wear the glasses every time.

I agree with Bourne. Expose is great if you re-watch it later and remove any anger you might have felt for it when it originally aired.

Well they probably called him Desmond when they were amongst themselves but you've gotta be cryptic when you're around people from outside of your little circle.
He was, afterall, once a leader of The Others. Speaking in code is in the job description.