min alskaren

There's also a lot of Lost/True Blood crossover—Miss Janet was one of the Others and Arlene(who is M.Emerson's wife) played Ben's mother.
I don't think it really means anything but I love it, either. I need way more Jacob/Lucifer in my Supernatural.

"Unless they are actively trying to annoy their viewers, which I doubt."
I wouldn't put it past them. But I agree.. they wouldn't have shown that clip if he had gone on the walkabout, I don't think.

Stranger things have happened.

I don't know if that's entirely possible for them. The studio and the filming of the show is based in Vancouver so everything is always going to kind of look the same.

I don't know, I think Zach does a pretty good job. He's not going to like everything I like and I'm okay with it.
After I read this I did start calling him "Whack" Handlen around my house—a term coined by another commenter on another one of his Supernatural reviews but I'm just kidding. For the most part.

Re: sexymother
Yes but 3 time travel episodes in around 100 episodes isn't too many, in my opinion at least.

Re: ILikeNonsense
That's a very good point regarding Uriel and I think it can also be made for angels in general. I do like that Dean is always referring to them as dicks because if an angel was working so hard to get all up in my I probably would think he was a dick, too. But as a (somewhat)objective observer, I think

omg :(

What M-Dan said. He wouldn't have made the plane if he had gone on the walkabout.

I'm inclined to believe it's simpler than that and perhaps Jacob is there either to protect the island from MIB or vice versa. I think the roles the humans play are to that end(either protecting the island from MIB or protecting him from it.)

This was my thought as well and it ties into the idea that Jack will fix Locke in the AU and that this will be the real reason why Locke is able to walk once his plane crashes on the island.

Uh, wow.
I could not disagree with you more. Michael boring? Anna's re-appearance unclear? The time travel overdone?

I don't think she was playing a demon we had met before but she did kind of remind me of Meg.

That picture of Castiel..
I was not expecting it.


I just re-watch all 4 Seasons with my spouse and Bugs was the only episode I couldn't re-watch. God, I'm getting grossed out just thinking about it.

I thought the same as well.
I also thought the particular focus of this episode was on Sam's emotions because apparently they're relevant to whatever happens in Detroit that causes Sam to say yes to Luci(as per their discussion 'Abandon All Hope.')

That Castiel line cracked me up as well.

I am easily satisfied
Because, although I agree with some of your points here—the episode was too formulaic, it wasn't anything we hadn't seen before, etc, I'm still absolutely loved it because it was a new episode.
And also 'Pudding!'

I'm just happy Supernatural made the list.