min alskaren

Watching again
Now I'm kicking myself for not playing a drinking game the first time I watched this. I'll definitely need to re-watch.
The only disagreement I had with this review is the bit about Padalecki being blandly handsome. For fuck's sake, that dude is adorable.

Oh, Zack, leave those parts in next time.
If only for the comments.

Ooooh, I love it when the pout! Almost as much as I love them talking at the same time.

Let me just come clean, I'm a complete fangirl. Not the toss-my-panties-on-stage kind but a screaming fangirl nontheless. So, for me, it's nice to read a review that isn't all "OMG AND THEN DEAN DID THIS AND THEN SAM DID THIS AND THEN CAS SHOWED UP LOOKIN' FINE.." Speaking of, how hot was Cas last night? I mean

anya technically the Sir said that 'legend has it, this gun can kill anything,' or some crazy loop hole like that. I'd hate to think the Sir would lie to me so he just must not have known that there those special 5 things the gun can't kill.
omg when can I have more Sir?

'Those crazy kids!' made me lol
So true.

He's also plays Luci in a very fun way. I find myself positively tickled whenever he's on screen.
How crazy is it that as of right now he's the only character on the show I feel I can believe? Like the only one telling the truth.

Well on a show like this I think all of the secondary characters revolve around the two brothers and in a way, they only exists to effect them.
So yes, I think in a way everything that happens could be viewed as a way to either make Sam and/or Dean's life more miserable.

Or an Olsen twins movie.
Rumor has it Crowley is set to appear in a couple more episodes. Again, it's just a rumor but I'd love to see more of him so hope it's true.

I don't agree with everything in the review but I don't think it's stupid.
Different strokes for different folks, apparently.

Am I the only one who found that scene between Cas and Meg super hot?

and one more thing..
"That's hard to believe, especially now that Lucifer is out running around doing, well, presumably horrible things. (I can buy if Sam and Dean were pariahs because of their involvement with jump-starting the Apocalypse, but why not deal with that directly? We had one scene of Sam running into

Am I the only person who was surprised that the colt didn't kill Lucifer? I mean looking back I feel pretty stupid at thinking that it could actually harm him(because he's an Angel, duh) but even Cas seemed to think the colt was going to work so, yeah. I'm confused.

If it weren't for Chuck's character I certainly would have rated this episode much lower.
While I also enjoy meta some of the lines in this episode were just overkill.
Also how cute are Chuck and Becky?

I liked the episode but I agree, it did drag ass a bit.
Abandon All Hope is going to be soooooo good, though.

" frifriap
See Robs, I tried to read your comment, but I got was "baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww"
Go get your crybaby on at livejournal. "

So, for those who dislike Castiel.. are you saying you also dislike the entire Angel story arc because that's a pretty big chunk of story and a rather interesting one at that.

Oh my
Please call Sheldon/Penny shippers crazy every week because these comments are gold.

I ship Raj with just about any/everyone.