Clint Eastwoods Chair











@avclub-d783823cc6284b929c2cd8df2167d212:disqus I tried to, but the imperial fascists at Disqus don't allow apostrophes on usernames when you register. In retrospect, I could've just as easily typed "The Chair That Clint Eastwood Talked To," but it doesn't roll off the tongue as well, you know? Anyways, cut me some

@avclub-d783823cc6284b929c2cd8df2167d212:disqus I tried to, but the imperial fascists at Disqus don't allow apostrophes on usernames when you register. In retrospect, I could've just as easily typed "The Chair That Clint Eastwood Talked To," but it doesn't roll off the tongue as well, you know? Anyways, cut me some