The T-Dog

I rip on Dexter because I actually watch it.  I don't watch the "Wallking Dead."

Yeah, like, "Duh, who's been raising Harrison all this time so far??

Those sneaky writers managed to gloss over how the folks at Miami Metro felt about having the car pool car totally mangled in a wreck, too.

I saw it when it was broadcast.  I haven't had much luck googling it, but her name was "Brandy Alexander" (I think she might be making that up) and the episode was called "Down the Rabbit Hole."

Evidently not too many "True Romance" fans about on the Dexter boards…

Does Every Single TV review written this year NEED to contain the word "agency?"  Is it like a new toy for reviewers to show off?

PS: Note to Josh, Todd Van der Werff and any other TV critic and/or reviewer in the world:


There's a plot?

I'm assuming since he's a cable/Internet guy, they're going to explain it away that he tapped into her lines or something.  Of course, they could also just act like that never happened and never explain it, too.  The second option is the more likely one with "Dexter's" writers.

Maybe she was a big "Game of Thrones" fan?

I wonder if Dan has an InvisibleFriendZone page?

I keep on typing "xyzzy" and nothing happens.

Tom Hanks' character from Saving Private Ryan?

I'm skipping my weekly HARRISON UPDATE this week, a) because I tuned in a day late, and b) you've done the subject great justice.


I am embarrassed to say that I saw a show on the Syfy network called "Hot Set" which was NEARLY as bad as Dexter but NOWWHERE near as funny, which had set designers compete to make sets in a short amount of time on a limited budget.

I'm hoping she's a figment of Jamie's imagination.

I think hiding behind the door was a much more sensible way to avoid detection.

A: Dexter obviously has to borrow Harrison from Jamie. 
B: Awesome introduction of "Cassie," upon whom Dexter made such a great impression.  Maybe it's the fact that Dexter rents an ENTIRE apartment for his son and has hired for him a live-in girlfriend/nanny/mom who "has" his so often that it's exceptional for Dexter