Glad to see you back for another season!
Glad to see you back for another season!
Loved his "she's all mixed up on The Pot and The Adderol" gesture Dexter made, too. Surprised Ghost Harry wasn't all like, "Those are pills, Dex."
And yeah, the show's mutes are speaking now! Black Lady Cop (Detective Angie Miller, who's never been introduced, nor has anybody spoken her name) and new kid Harrison. A bold new direction for this final season!
Yep, and that's your opinion, which is yours and all that. You asked why people who don't like ths show watch it and/or comment upon it, and I thought I'd share my perspective with you.
Personally, I enjoy watching this show to make fun of it. I've never liked it. I saw one episode from Season 1, thought it was overwrought and melodramatic, and didn't watch again until the season finale of season 2, which I saw when visiting my parents, who were watching. It was still overwrought and melodramatic,…
To be fair, the show DOES blow.
Joe Name, your comment sucked.
I love the way it took Dexter 2 months (isn't that how long it's been since he saw her?) to figure that out, and then, instantly, he picked her password.
Or ate too many leaded paint chips, madyew. I think they must have read the comments on the av club in the interim, because they've replaced mute Harrison and had Jamie make a meta-joke about not being able to work for Dexter 24 hours a day, which she did in the prior two seasons to the point being extremely silly. …
Her name is Vogel, which is German for "Bird." And there's a German phrase, "ich habe ein Vogel" which, literally translated, means "I have a bird" but idomatically means "I'm crazy." I wonder if they're alluding to that with her name.
Yes, that's how it began for me, rolling my eyes at the Exposition at the Bench. And Harrison's transformation from mute kid who plays with his blankie to a speaking kid (a couple years older?) who is on a soccer team now.
Ugh… it's "Dexter" time already?
Thank you. I'd noticed it was really bad in both episodes this season… the tears effects look very hokey, and Bill's hooker lunch made me laugh hysterically.
We all know he's not this season's "big bad." A very natural thing for a character to say.
I know I'm super late in replying to this, but someone, someday has to read this reply, and I want to state for the record: In that escape scene in the beginning, EVERYBODY ESCAPING (except Jason) WAS A FREAKING VAMPIRE! Why didn't they run, like, super-fast, maybe have Jessica pick Jason up, and then they could have…
How about some kickass stuff involving dragons? Oh… not so much.
Well, I know ONE reviewer who must be relieved at their disappearance.
Yes, that's all I could think about.
At least Todd got to see some dick. Oh nevermind… it was a pork sausage.
Not really. They haven't endured paragraph after paragraph of loving descriptions of lamprey pie.