The T-Dog

Now, if Jamie went missing, lil' Harrison would FLIP.  She's his only real human contact!

It's surprising that nobody's noticed so far!

It's surprising that nobody's noticed so far!

SEASON 8 FINAL HARRISON WATCH:  I thought I was going to be let down after last week's Harrisonpalooza, but this week, we got TOYMAGEDDON!  Jamie the Supernanny does an epic job killing screen time telling us that Harrison evidently spreads his toys around because he's a boy, and then it happened: THE MUTE SPOKE! 

SEASON 8 FINAL HARRISON WATCH:  I thought I was going to be let down after last week's Harrisonpalooza, but this week, we got TOYMAGEDDON!  Jamie the Supernanny does an epic job killing screen time telling us that Harrison evidently spreads his toys around because he's a boy, and then it happened: THE MUTE SPOKE! 

Yes, but who's saying that?

Yes, but who's saying that?

Ok, I'm embarrassed to admit it, but which one was the "Phantom Killer?  Was he related to the Phantom Arsonist?   Did we have TWO stupid The Phantom ___________s in this show?

Ok, I'm embarrassed to admit it, but which one was the "Phantom Killer?  Was he related to the Phantom Arsonist?   Did we have TWO stupid The Phantom ___________s in this show?

I still can't figure out why they didn't just have Deb catch Dexter at the end of Season 5, instead of let him go, only to have her catch him again at the end of Season 6.  And then the entire season really could have been Dex in court,

I still can't figure out why they didn't just have Deb catch Dexter at the end of Season 5, instead of let him go, only to have her catch him again at the end of Season 6.  And then the entire season really could have been Dex in court,

I try to assemble a cohesiveness to all the shit the writers have thrown out there to see if it would stick because it's pretty fucking funny.

I try to assemble a cohesiveness to all the shit the writers have thrown out there to see if it would stick because it's pretty fucking funny.

You'd think there would be a trail of ashes on Deb's floor, though.

You'd think there would be a trail of ashes on Deb's floor, though.

It could have been set in Batista's restaurant, which he could have been running in HIS spare time had he not announced his "retirement" and thusly gotten himself killed off the day before that would have happened.

It could have been set in Batista's restaurant, which he could have been running in HIS spare time had he not announced his "retirement" and thusly gotten himself killed off the day before that would have happened.

Holy shit, twocwo…  um, I got nothing.

Holy shit, twocwo…  um, I got nothing.

It never does.  It's always bad!