
The actual facts are not just as disturbing. He's trans so he had them removed and then just decided to do something with them. However, there are pictures at the bottom of this link and those are pretty disturbing (not disturbing for the internet, but disturbing for my fresh-faced self).

The actual facts are not just as disturbing. He's trans so he had them removed and then just decided to do something with them. However, there are pictures at the bottom of this link and those are pretty disturbing (not disturbing for the internet, but disturbing for my fresh-faced self).

"Throw Rug Exhausted From Constantly Tying Room Together"

"Throw Rug Exhausted From Constantly Tying Room Together"

I always get a kick out Rondo. He's one of the league's few legitimate weirdos, and at this point probably its most talented (now that World Peace has fallen off).

I always get a kick out Rondo. He's one of the league's few legitimate weirdos, and at this point probably its most talented (now that World Peace has fallen off).

@bongoes: I've never lived in an apartment. Why is the roommate agreement a red flag? It seems reasonable on the surface.

@bongoes: I've never lived in an apartment. Why is the roommate agreement a red flag? It seems reasonable on the surface.

I'm going to volunteer my unasked-for opinion and say that I don't understand the popularity of Game of Thrones (books; I've seen some of the show and it looks interesting). R.R. Martin's prose just seems terrible/laughable to me. Is the real appeal in the plotting? Because I read like 20 pages and couldn't get over

I'm going to volunteer my unasked-for opinion and say that I don't understand the popularity of Game of Thrones (books; I've seen some of the show and it looks interesting). R.R. Martin's prose just seems terrible/laughable to me. Is the real appeal in the plotting? Because I read like 20 pages and couldn't get over

After 30 seconds of thought: Ben from Parks and Rec. No one else in the group brings that halting awkwardness, but he's enough of a good-hearted nerd to fit in nicely.

After 30 seconds of thought: Ben from Parks and Rec. No one else in the group brings that halting awkwardness, but he's enough of a good-hearted nerd to fit in nicely.

One of my fondest memories this year has been playing full-court basketball for four hours and then coming home, eating a sandwich, lying on my bed, and then listening to "Songs From a Room" for the first time.

One of my fondest memories this year has been playing full-court basketball for four hours and then coming home, eating a sandwich, lying on my bed, and then listening to "Songs From a Room" for the first time.

That's one of the big reasons that I liked the American Office so much. Solid number of unphotogenic people.

That's one of the big reasons that I liked the American Office so much. Solid number of unphotogenic people.

There are hundreds of us! HUNDREDS!

There are hundreds of us! HUNDREDS!

I will miss the "anything-can-happen" feel of Community under Dan Harmon, but if the result is a return to the relative normalcy of S1 I think that would be ok at this point.

I will miss the "anything-can-happen" feel of Community under Dan Harmon, but if the result is a return to the relative normalcy of S1 I think that would be ok at this point.