
I'm willing to forgive many unrealistic things about this show, but I dock FCD a partial letter grade for claiming that a bunch of pre-teen boys could be totally unaware of hanging around someone who looks like Alison Brie.

I'm willing to forgive many unrealistic things about this show, but I dock FCD a partial letter grade for claiming that a bunch of pre-teen boys could be totally unaware of hanging around someone who looks like Alison Brie.



sup Hal

I dunno. That sounds cool in theory but in practice it might look more like one of those odd kids shows that tell bible stories in uncanny-valley CGI.

The end of St. Elsewhere would seem to be a contender, if not for the fact that from what I can tell that finale was pretty earnest rather than a "U MAD?" to its viewers.

Actually, this stuff made me feel a little more for Chevy. Being his age and playing senility for laughs has to be a little annoying.

I actually watched the pilot due to Troy Patterson's review of it on Slate. I owe that dude.

This is pretty late in the game, but can someone tell me who exactly a showrunner is? I'd always thought they were the people who just handled the logistics of shows, i.e. literally running things like "ok let's do this then go there and film that and off to postproduction". But if Harmon and Weiner are showrunners

@Hot Red Herman: Have you ever visited non-cities in India, though? The cities are pretty brutal, but the countryside (Kerala is the one I can speak for) is beautiful. Having relatives there makes a world of difference, I think. I can't speak to the food you had in cities, but I will say my experience was different

Isn't it implied that the Dunphys basically don't have any money problems?

There's a photo out there of me grinning hugely at my grandmother's wake while everyone else stands somberly. That's just how I react to cameras.

Can somebody explain this? Is it just Abed joking on the street-smart black dude trope?

I really liked this episode (apart from the Inspector Spacetime stuff), but I can't pretend I didn't get suddenly nostalgic for the first season when they started playing "Greendale Is Where I Belong". Simpler times.

Remedial Chaos Theory seems so long ago.

I think this is a realistic interpretation. Boy, that character has really grown.

Really? He seemed pretty confident that Britta would be turned off by the text, so it doesn't really seem like he was trying to gauge her reaction.

That video walkthrough has an interesting charm. "And Elliot will come out to relieve our burden. Now we can continue picking up candy." It's like a koan!