
The Fields Medal argument is nonsense. It takes many factors to win a Fields Medal and natural ability is only a small part of it.

Agreed. Abed's portion is also very Calvin-and-Hobbes-Sunday-comic, which is a good thing in my book. I just set it as my desktop.

Pierce, stamping on a human face, forever.

I agree that this season has seemed alternately more washed-out and more-saturated than the last season, which mostly hung out at a happy medium. At first I chalked it up to a tighter budget or something, but the constant changing makes me doubtful.

I'm pretty surprised that Better Off Ted was as good as shown above. I'm one of those people who saw the ads and decided it was just another lame sitcom (this was before I knew about AVClub). SUCKS.

Geez. As someone who went to a Jesuit high school in the 2000s, I always thought this movie was everybody's favorite (except mine) due to its combination of vague Catholicism and extreme violence.

Who is the person on the front of the cover pictured here? They're also in the video for Oldie, I think. My usage of gender-neutral pronouns is not coincidental.

Does anyone know of a rap artist/group with songs that possess more of a dichotomy between "sounds good" and "reads well"? Because I just listened to Oldie and thought it was so smooth and fun and repeatable, and then I read the lyrics and felt embarrassed.

I thought that, too, and then I watched the video for Oldie. They're still "offensive" and they still like it, but there do seem to be elements of the growing-up referred to in the video above. Particularly Tyler's verse at the end. I'm not an Odd Future scholar or anything, though, so grain of salt, etc.

That's an interesting list. I was pretty surprised to see Bain Capital there. Also, if you tried hard and it didn't work out you can't really blame yourself. You tried!

I'm not going to wade into debating the merits of Season 3, but I will say this: between the hiatus of Parks and Rec, 30 Rock's apparent doubling-down on darkness (Kenneth is falling apart) and weirdness (the camera crashing into Kenneth a few episodes ago, the "I'm Tracy Morgan bit" this week), and Community's

I don't think I'd say "Cooperative Calligraphy" is fan-service (apart from the scene where everyone undresses I suppose). I've been watching the series with my mom and sister over holidays and, even though they're more people-who-think-Community-is-a-fun-diversion than real Community "fans", they still liked that

Maybe Dan Harmon is going to pull a reverse Lucas and remove all of the CGI when the "Community Deluxe Edition: All 6 Seasons and the Feature-Length Film" boxed set is released.

If it draws in new viewers in preparation for a return to some subtlety: I'm ok with it.

Another reason that the NBA is superior! I've never understood how people could love a game like the NFL where winning a championship mostly depends on how lucky a team gets with injuries.

I started looking for a summer job in January 2011 and never got one for the summer. Believe it or not, it's hard to find a place that will hire a teenager who's probably not coming back next year when A. all of your connections are exhausted and B. there are fucking middle-aged, out-of-work people applying for those

I didn't really find anything about it very funny. The Jeff-Britta banter around the study table was good but that was really it. The rest of it seemed like it was written by someone who'd taken a cursory glance at the characters: Jeff is a glib guy with daddy issues, Britta is a feminist who is more feminine than she

That was kind of an odd episode.

If you're interested in the philosophy of science, I would suggest reading Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". It's an interesting look at the philosophy of science (and its pitfalls), which is something I needed as a math/science person. It's also way more readable than any of the names you've listed

Drunk Ann is Pamela Adlon. Who'da thunk it.