Chad Flenderson goes to barbershops and church!
Chad Flenderson goes to barbershops and church!
Hedonismbot, even-handed as always.
I choose to live my life under the delusion that the toothbrush item of the list is a very oblique Infinite Jest reference.
As a dude who actually has a vague unibrow, it's because it's hard for me to strike that balance between "not a unibrow" and "creepily sculpted eyebrows". For girls the latter is okay; for guys the latter makes you look weird.
I dunno. I know a lot of math professors and a number of them are pretty extreme introverts. You don't have to be a good teacher to get tenure. If you do enough good work, at least in math, you're pretty hard to ignore.
I can still do 50 for no reason, but there was a kid at my high school who got out over 500 digits. I remember because I gave him my Neopets account when I was a freshman and he was a sophomore since I never played anymore. Maybe those two facts are not unrelated.
I've thought about this some, and I feel like the best route (as far as having a fulfilling life goes) is to be slightly above-average in high school and only become truly attractive once you're solidly in college. The rationale is that you'll have to develop other aspects of your personality in high school since you…
I know what you mean about feeling alive. I like going to college in a cold place because it gives me the chance to wear a t-shirt to class when it's below 0 (celsius), knowing full well that I won't get hypothermic on an 8-minute walk.
"He's handsome, in an ugly sort of way."
That's the impression I get of Adorno, too, although I'm not sure how justified it is. We've read a series of letters between him and Walter Benjamin. Adorno actually starts the first letter with this hilarious humblebrag in which he apologizes profusely for writing the letter so late by essentially saying he's got so…
My sociology final calls for me to apply the theories of Theodor Adorno. That dude's all about cultural degradation/regression and so I'm of course looking for a way to talk about the (un)popularity of Community.
In all seriousness, part of me hopes that a second-term Obama just goes for broke and tries something politically suicidal but awesome like that.
If it makes anyone feel any better, the kid who played Kenard apparently cried the first time he "shot" Omar.
In a similar vein, today I gave up on this girl I've had a thing for for a couple of months and, coincidentally, found out that 69 Love Songs is, in its entirety, on Spotify. I'm listening through for the first time and it's such a great album for the situation. The perfect blend of "love is great" "love is stupid"…
Lebron James isn't going to show up for a million dollars. Dunk contests are so bourgeois.
Is that just a reference to that weird SNL anecdote where Chevy and Dick Ebersol and Lorne Michaels are walking down a street and Chevy actually falls into a manhole? Because that's a very weird reference to make.
I hear he also does a great Bill Cosby impression.
Kids read Huckleberry Finn in Korean schools? What?
I've actually never heard anyone who sounds as much like me as Dave does, speech patterns and all (it's the first time I've seen that character). And apparently that's really off-putting? Christ.
For all you sociology nerds out there, I was thisclose to writing a paper arguing that this group constituted a Durkheimian religion.