
I strongly recommend Wheelan's "Naked Economics" if you want a more readable account of basic microeconomic principles and applications. Mankiw's "Principles of Microeconomics" is also good (albeit a textbook rather than an actual book), and chances are some library nearby will have a copy of one.

"This isn't math, this is arithmetic" is all the mathematical pedantry I'm going to throw up here, you have my word.

More like WHEN will amazing happen amirite???

Even better are the YouTube videos that say "I own nothing".

I feel similarly, but I do know of at least one mathematical genius (Erdos) who claimed that he was totally useless without amphetamines. I've always been tempted to try some for that reason.

According to various residents (medical) I've talked to, the least useful members of society seem to be the hardiest when it comes to drugs. Although that's probably not a clear one-way causality.

Speaking as someone who's naturally not very emotional, I've found that it's a good idea to just accept that people in general react in different ways to different things. There's no reason to coddle outright illogic or stupidity, but there's also no reason to shit all over people feeling bad, even if it seems

I'll believe it when he does it against Rondo, or even Jrue Holiday for that matter. Deron Williams, John Wall and Derek Fisher aren't exactly top-shelf defenders.

Don't call it a reanimation!

How did you do this?

I changed my avatar because there's a dude over at The Office reviews who has the same one (albeit in color). However, his name is "Hobbestetrician" and that really clinches it for him. I felt like the Hobbes from the dark timeline.

According to Urbandictionary, an otter is also "a skiny [sic] hairy gay man". So there's that.

Film Crit Hulk brings up an interesting comparison I hadn't thought of: NBC's foolhardy "logical business decisions" are really a microcosm of what's happening at corporations across the country.

Oh wow, I always thought your avatar was a goatee'd Legolas/Orlando Bloom.

I was going to propose a counterexample, but man I cannot think of one. Hitler doesn't count as a celebrity?

zoax is a shortened form of "zoaxanthellae", which is a misspelling of "zooxanthellae", which are protazoae that crop up in saltwater aquaria (look at all those correct plurals), which I was really interested in during my pre-teens.

I liked this because I believed it was at least a little sarcastic but I was unsure because you didn't inflect

Speaking of someone who once requested Hamburger Helper after a basketball game (only once), all Hamburger Helper is are some dry noodles and seasoning. You combine it with cooked ground beef (i.e. hamburger) and, I don't know, water.

@SBT: That part bothered me, too. It seemed really, really broad. BTW, was she the voice of Pierce's mom on the tape she left him? Could have sworn it was.

Same. I'm really not a big fan of Betty White in general. So much of her popularity seems to boil down to "She's doing something - AND SHE'S OLD!"