
And Drew Carey

And Drew Carey

I agree, but I didn't think it was for the benefit of the study group. I saw it as him moving on to his next power grab.

I agree, but I didn't think it was for the benefit of the study group. I saw it as him moving on to his next power grab.

Why don't we just get 100 likes on every comment?

Why don't we just get 100 likes on every comment?

I think that was a nice, if minor, resolution to Pierce's storyline of being isolated from the group. It kind of shows the groups acceptance of the fact that Pierce's ignorance can be an asset.

I think that was a nice, if minor, resolution to Pierce's storyline of being isolated from the group. It kind of shows the groups acceptance of the fact that Pierce's ignorance can be an asset.

(Very specific, probably very mediocre idea) So there's another police detective who's tracking the same cases as Emma. He doesn't know anything about her past, but finds the fact that she quit the police very suspicious. What I had in mind was that you set him up to be representative of Emma before she kills the man.


So once you guys get to 40K, are you going to stay here, or move everything over to the summer board so we can go for 60K over there?

I don't even mind that it's on a Friday. I just think it's insulting to be paired with Whitney.

@avclub-eede55069a8d3430b54730901f49c230:disqus Here in the states, we call it a sausage in the mouth.

Or maybe he had the fireman's costume on under his normal clothes in anticipation of a fire…I wouldn't put it past him.

I agree with everyone who said that the episode moved too fast and that it was a setup episode; their expulsion was really quick and made the stakes involved seem lower than they would have been had the story been properly developed. However, what I liked about this episode, and what made it one of my favorites, was

The best part of that was the split-second cut to Troy crying, since Troy, as we all know, gets emotional when he accidentally listens to Come Sail Away by Styx.

So I recently re-watched Airplane for the first time in a while, and I just realized that Community has yet to have anyone say "Don't call me Shirley". Frankly, I am astounded, as in the proper context, this would be awesome.

I watched the pilot of Law and Order an hour before viewing this episode, and I generally understood every reference. So no, I don't think you had to be a L&O junkie to appreciate it.

I was away this weekend, so I haven't gotten a chance to post my thoughts yet. Sorry if this is redundant.
I think that Abed actually showed real growth in this episode. When Annie messes with the Dreamatorium, Abed is showing empathy, but it's distorted and completely undervalues himself. Abed freaks out because he

I didn't understand it, but I loved it.