
Not only does Arcade Fire have great music and excellent lyrics; in addition, they utilize an instrument called the hurdy gurdy.

I buy new stuff online, but I get about five CDs a year of my all-time favorite albums, just so I can build up a physical collection.

Spin-off question—If you could live in one TV show and hang out with that show's characters, which one would it be? And if Community is the obvious answer, then what would be your second choice?

Random observation:
I just re-watched Football, Feminism, and You. When the Dean asks Troy to play football, Jeff says "I'm sure Troy will sign up for football if and when some accident destroys the part of his brain that feels pride". This line is eerily similar to what happened to Blade.
There's no way it was planned,

@avclub-16b30c64f09d2a66b1ff9c086efb9c45:disqus  I've got Pierce covered.

Although I agree that season has been down overall, one of the things that they've done better this season is characterize Shirley. I feel like she's been given things to do consistently ever since foosball, which was a minor problem in the first two seasons.

Do you guys live blog the episode somewhere? This is my first week here, so I'm not quite sure yet about everything that goes on.

"Is it just a coincidence that most big hit sitcoms (BIG BANG THEORY, MODERN FAMILY, TWO AND A HALF MEN) have older writers on their staffs?"

The more interesting fact to me was that his full name was Piercenald. Did we know that before?