
I will miss her character. I hope she shows up in at least another episode.

I loved Geography as a 5th grader, but I think it was because I really liked the stickers my teacher gave out for good grades in that subject.

I want to see some tracksuit draculas, Bro.

There was a Fashion Bug in walking distance of my house. It was there I purchased my favorite shirt in 7th grade: a purple and green vertical striped, polyester button-up with huge lapels. Never again will I feel that good about an article of clothing.

They both have really dirty hair.

Randy Shackleford is my favorite Dale joke.

A two-time Cable Ace Award nominee and three-time Tony…Shaloub sex partner, Jenna Maroney is perhaps best remembered for being beautiful.

But they didn't die before I had to learn about their flaws and isn't that the real tragedy?

Wayne Coyne didn't just condone cultural appropriation, he participated in it. When you put a headdress on a dog you're straight up being racist.

Those toys are so fucking creepy.

Hearing anything off this album reminds me of how uncool I felt at summer camp when everyone else knew all the words to "Basketcase" and I had never heard of Green Day.

I'd go to a food truck called "Greasy Lover," but I don't think many other people would.

I found it very frustrating as a child to get only boots in my happy meal. I was convinced that the toe tasted different from the rest of the nugget.

She didn't murder the rattleballs, she executed them. They've been murdering candy citizens who've committed minor infractions.

In order for it to become standard practice for people to use the word partner don't we have to start using the word partner? Your experience with people who use the term may be different than mine, but I've never seen someone use it to try to start a fight. It just seems like a nice way to say "that person I'm

SeaQuest gave us pre-teens a more attractive version of Wesley Crusher. I can't imagine how bad that show would be on rewatch.

Why would you fuck a beignet?

Ah! Now I'm sad again about poor, dead James Tiberius Yorke. Damn you, Lakehurst! Damn you!

It seems like you don't know anything about Margaret Atwood. If you want to make an informed decision before you insult her intelligence, you could read her book In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination.

He was my first draft pick as well. If anyone's going to actually murder a castmate and suck the marrow out of their bones, it's CT.