The connection between Buffy the movie and Buffy the show is so minuscule as to be insignificant. If anything that connection was more likely to hurt than help.
The connection between Buffy the movie and Buffy the show is so minuscule as to be insignificant. If anything that connection was more likely to hurt than help.
And maybe that's kinda the point? That her agency is taken away from her by men?
Holy crap is the Labour infighting just….ugh.
For me, Penny has always just been Felicia Day but she sings.
If you've looked at any of the comments in this story, the newswire about Whedonesque, and the original newswire, you'll notice that a lot of people have been talking about this in terms of shades of grey.
If being a feminist means that you have to be 100% pure, then I'm not one. No one is one because we're not perfect. I've been really frustrated yesterday and today with this dogmatic idea that there's no grey allowed in feminism.
His death may be second only to Joyce's in tearing out my heart. It's only my love of Alexis Denisof that keeps me from being annoyed as Wesley coming so soon after Doyle's death.
Cool. Cool. Cool.
I didn't start the whole query about whether men can be feminist so I don't know why you're directing this at me. Especially when I say that men can be feminists.
I'm only saying this because I've seen a fair amount of 'well she must be vindictive' thought.
Glenn Quinn just makes me sad.
This is something that I've thought about for a long time and I think that you can be a feminist and male. I think that part of why I think that way is because feminism isn't just about benefitting and raising up women. It's about challenging traditional gender roles and arguing that it's ok for males to cry, to like…
She may not feel kindly toward him, but it's also entirely possible (if not likely) that every word she wrote was true.
Let's not speak about Adam Baldwin's fuckwittery.
Good, I was just wanted to be clear to everyone that I'm not trying to rationalize what he did or pass it off as 'well that's Hollywood for ya.'
Neither would I.
I'm not defending him in any shape or form.
If you're referring to the one this morning, her piece was HUGE news. For a site that's about pop culture, it would've seemed massively weird to not have a newswire covering it.
If I stopped watching, reading, and listening to things because the people behind them were jackasses and scummy, I wouldn't be left with nothing, but my choices would be limited for sure.