
That's a safe presumption.

You probably just haven't heard of niche trolling yet.

To put your finger on the political pulse of the underage, and the pedophiles who would love them.

As an R&R fetishist, I do my masturbating at the USO. Just like everyone else.

I'm not sure, but I think people at least enjoyed Jeremy Piven at some point, like back when he did PCU.

You just have to do it the way he likes it, and I hear he's into the Minivan.

She never suggested that she was people. Being both conservative and a woman, she probably knew better, or at least should have.

Revenge of the Sith is only better than CONSENSUALLY fucking an Ewok. Glad I could clear that up for you.

I'm just going to wait for Jeff Buckley to do it better.

That's like a homo Ozymandias. I realize that's an oxymoron.

Because that's where the magic is?

Exactly like that, except I don't think there's as much sexual tension between the Mario siblings. Unless you count the time John Leguizamo played Luigi.

It isn't really accurate to call both of them the Wachowski Brothers anymore. Not after Larry traded parts with Chaztity Bono.

You never really lose Gay Glenn. He'll always be there, just not necessarily out in front, like Cunnilingus Condi.

Bruno Mars looks like that regardless of what he wears. It's even worse if you have to listen to him at the same time.

He's going to mince and flounce his way through hordes of ignorant medieval savages.

Somehow, that is less terrifying than one of those drunken critters saying "And you will get into me, dear."

She's waiting for her big comeback next year for that. Its all about the gimmicks in music.

Its a Shemalé!

Yet if any of said Ricans owned that Fiat, it would be at least six colors, not counting the flag.