
Bon Jovi was my favorite New Jersey emo band.

Brown vs. Board of Education called. They said you can have the name Thurston and the whole "desegregation" thing - it ain't working out so good.

Turn it Down.

She's got the whitest teeth I've ever come across.

Now say that through an Auto-Tune.

@avclub-bc68599029928a93ff775e686c3be325:disqus He freaks out when you call him a quadroon.

Sacrelicious - I thought he was white, but only because black people can't afford regular cocaine.

Derek Jeter wants to know how many inches of black anyone else would like inside them.

I'm sure they'll cross swords until things get really intense, then they'll plunge those swords inside of one another. Probably not simultaneously, but taking turns, the way courteous heterosexuals do.

Like everything that makes a good, entertaining movie?

Can you guys just engage in some romantic, face-to-face anal lovemaking? That's what this article is really about - a show where people are brought together by their need to practice reproduction in ways that nature never intended, and society forbade.

Not this way you haven't. This will have real homos in it, not just nasty experimenters like that Kidman twat.

What if there were just more DC Comics movies? Like the masterpiece that was Green Lantern? Or perhaps Keanu's magnum opus, Constantine? Let's not forget our tears of joy when Superman Returned as well.

I'd just like to know when those cunts will start work on The Boys.