Life is Precious and God and t

I was upset about the use of Sabotage in the trailer, because any true Trek fan knows that the proper pronunciation is "Sabotaage."

That story was particularly delightful to me because I was once mistaken for Cillian Murphy by an old woman on the street. I really wish that I had signed an autograph for her.

The AV Club seems to have mistakenly posted an image of Irish actor Cillian Murphy.

Surprise Witnesses! Each more surprising than the last!

Homer, I don't use the word "hero" very often, but you are the greatest hero in American history.

Canceraids etc.

This episode was
the first appearance of Lionel Hutz, AKA Miguel Sanchez, AKA Dr. Nguyen Van Falk

Also patently false - I had heard that somewhere, but now that I check the numbers apparently the US has just under 2% while Canada's is about 1.5%. Apparently, none isn't too many.

There are actually more Jews in Canada per capita than the USA, although most of that is obviously going to be in Toronto and Montreal. Now that I've revealed that I know this off the top of my head, it seems vaguely sinister.

When I read this headline, I was expecting some play on "Gino Shore." I'm surprised that's not the Italian's preferred nomenclature.

*he is in. Jon Hamm is not a country.

I second McNulty. I would love to hear that.

I mean to post in the above thread. How embarrassing. But you took the bait, so …

Apparently the new Curb will be set in NY and will feature Ricky Gervais, so I'm excited.

In all fairness, it does take a while to grow into the role of correspondant. Did anyone else find Wyatt Cenac unbearable in the first few months? Now he's one of the best.

Do you mean Byoink? Because I believe that was Last Exit to Springfield.

alurin is right, of course. And while I don't have total faith in Peter Jackson, I have so much more faith in him than in George Lucas.

Come to mention, though, Martin Freeman does look an awful lot like a young Ian Holm

I personally wouldn't have any problem with that - it makes a lot more sense maintaining the continuity of the series than Lucas' re-edit (seriously, why would Annakin's ghost look like he's still in his twenties?), and since Ian Holm still has a significant part in the LotR series, it wouldn't be totally erasing his