
"we'll announce the full list shortly thereafter" IT'S BEEN A WEEK MAN

Adam Warrock also did a really good recap of Scott Pilgrim before the 6th book and just generally does cool stuff like this

you have no sense of fun

My write-in campaign for BRODYQUEST is going swimmingly but it could use more support


these movies are crafted entirely by boring hate robots
designed to suck the fun out of the past

Gotta love when a blog explodes over the course of a day
I love that fresh feeling of not knowing about something and it being ubiquitous the next day, but only if it's hilarious. Hopefully they won't abandon the blog because I like easily sustainable gimmick Tumblrs but some like whoisarcadefire weren't built to last

I don't understand
How this is getting consistently good reviews.

Should I be watching this show
Between starting Archer and finishing Party Down between a full-time job and two summer courses I need to budget my time well but Louis CK is one of my favourite people probably ever so… should I?

wait, yo la tengo is there?