
I'm glad Sean came in with that last minute defense but also Ween's "The Mollusk" is fuckin good

Katie you have several "Kahn"s in there

on the flip-side, companies enforcing terms of use could be MORE stringent during the purge. post spam? ya dead now boy

see that would actually be worth seeing

I'm baffled it took this long for a single article to mention it. That jumped out at me IMMEDIATELY (because I've seen Foodfight! over 20 times and also own it on DVD)

im glad SOMEONE mentioned foodfight in their article about this because people not mentioning it was slowly killing me

you know that scene in zoolander where mugatu screams that he must be taking crazy pills?

im glad they did the play the theme song slow on some organs thing to elicit emotions

It's amazing how many perfectly coherent analyses you can punctuate with a pre-chorus line from a They Might Be Giants song.

usually when i read a whole swath of people vehemently disagreeing with my opinion it makes me riddled with self-doubt

Grade should be lower, honestly. I expected y'all to be better than distracted by the cool shiny lights away from some of the most trite, telegraphed plotting this show has ever managed

"bring back mark" says me and apparently NO ONE ELSE

gooble gobble gooble gobble!

Excuse me, we haven't had pennies for YEARS. And when we see American pennies we ask, "When would you like your breakfast, sir?"

Platinum's Korra game had good fight mechanics but basically nothing else

I mean, on the flipside, I'm really bad at video games and would love more long-form reason to see the Overwatch characters, who I like enough just by passing exposure.

I thought so, which is why I'm not too broken up about it. Like I've loved the current season, even ones the AV Club didn't like, but I think it's just about run its course anyway

I was under the impression that five seasons has more or less been their hoped plan since they got renewed the first time

That's ridiculous..