Lord Michaels

Wouldn't Beth and Daryl have found Judith's dirty, soiled diaper or is a zombie so gross that it would act as if these are treats?

Was I the only one moved by Tyrese's "If I had a hammer" Pete Seeger tribute tonight? Waist deep in the Big Muddy. Oh, also zombies.

I hope Reedus isn't paid per line. If so, he's only made $17.00 this half season.

I think Glen is now the baddest mofo on this show. He thinks ahead, kills everything in his path and has great hair.

I imagine you were humping next to an open window and somehow heard people below on the street clamoring about. Tears flowed. And the people outside cried too.

When Levon Helm died it shook me up pretty good. The first "celebrity" death where I felt personally affected. It hit me right in the feels.

I wish I could unread this sentence.

The most correct answer is Ryan Adams. I will play Heartbreaker on repeat, bathe in whiskey and wail like a wounded baby seal.

No. Just no.

If this special had been made 10 years ago, what band would have been in Imagine Dragons' place? 3 Doors Down? Evanesence?

Don Henley.

This is exactly why I never clean anything.

So long boys! See you in the funny papers!

Agreed 100% with Marah. I'm no genius but Criminal Minds became so formulaic that I started guessing what would happen and who the killer(s) would be too quickly. The saving grace of the show, for me, was Matthew Gray Gubler and now I just look at his TUMBLR page to get my fill of his cutie patootie mug.

The actual Bachelor Party in Tom Hanks' Bachelor Party

This list reminded me of opening the fridge, staring at it for a few minutes and then not finding anything good to eat.

You're hired.

We watched Life with Mikey in Junior High English Class. Is it the worst Michael J. Fox movie ever? Prolly.

Her episode of Celebrity Ghost Stories is a bit better than Rachel Dratch's.

And this guy Jason Timberspake or something like that.