Lord Michaels

How did Bernard access the room if he couldn't see the door to it?

I'm stuck at work. It's raining. I've listened to a shit ton of Steve Earle this weekend and my favorite album is proving to be I Feel Alright.

Talking about the tree?

I prefer Legolas.

I'm Batman.

Obviously this SPECTRE SWEATER is white and gold.

I'm guessing Ernie Hudson is free to reprise his role.

How about his episode of Celebrity Ghost Stories?

This comment has left me with a thirst for Durst!

This show has just hammered home the fact that I don't like rich people.

She got eaten. Even the white meat. Remember that zombie being so full it couldn't even try to gnaw on Carl?

Pharrell breathes on upcoming release, Gaye family thinks "That sounds familiar!"

I remember "tossing off" to Adore because you could see D'arcy's boobs in the CD booklet.

Not even a tornado comprised of sharks would dare hassle the Hoff.

If there's ever been a celebrity who used his "celebrity" status for better causes than Mr. Simon did I'd like to know about it.

Hope it's not a picture book.

Momma says you aint bonerfide

I also am holding out hope for a Home Alone re-issue for this years' Boxing Day

How about Reservoir Dogs? I heard that one a lot in high school.

I'm still sitting here waiting for a re-issue of the Spies Like Us soundtrack…