The Walking Id

If there hasn't would that somehow mean it's not a valid criticism ?

Yeah, sometimes you wonder if the creators realise that we basically hang on every word they write and pick it all apart ad infinitum ;-).

Worth pointing out that that article's from over 2 years ago, was published before the episodes in question had aired and isn't even accurate in its own terms since in the episode itself ("The Death of the Doctor" from "The Sarah Jane Adventures" series 4, not sure which part - worth watching if for no other reason

Because you haven't yet fully grasped the amount of dumb in the world ? Give it time (unfortunately).

Yep. He (and indirectly the TARDIS) recreated the universe, she, by remembering, provided a template for certain specific elements of it (like unplastic Rory, her parents, the Doctor etc.).

That's true but it comes down to how honest the manipulation feels I think. If it's "here's what I felt and I want you to feel it too and so achieve that moment of genuine connection that good art generates", like you and the creator are in it together, that's one thing. Sometimes it feels more like a puppet-master

Whereas I wonder at the sanity of anyone who'd put 'Torchwood' series 1 above, well, anything. Including e.g. having one's eyes cut out with a spoon or sliding down a bannister lined with razorblades. What a world.

"A Day in the Death..", series 2, episode 8. One of the better 'Torchwood'-that-wasn't-'Children of Earth' episodes I reckon, poignant and somehow much more adult viewing than most of the reachy swears 'n' shags, 14 year old boy's idea of adult episodes from series 1.

The question isn't when do we want it, the question is if do we want it !

Quite a bit older then.

Not true, we have sunny days too. I mention it because we had this year's only last week.

Loved that personally, loved the kinda-sorta arrogance of hanging a lampshade on your own cliffhanger. Not many other shows could get away with it but Who's big enough (didn't hurt that it was a bloody brilliant cliffhanger either).

Tennant specifically requested that he be billed as "The Doctor" apparently since it started with "his" Doctor, the 5th. Wasn't 8 credited as the Doctor too ? He is on IMDB but I don't have the film itself to hand to check (he must've been credited as something).

Toronto ?

WRT direction (unlike the writing) i'd give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a deliberate reference - The Governor is now basically a zombie in that he's utterly devoid of humanity, he just hasn't died yet.

It's not so much a lack of money as a different TV culture (though in fairness that's probably related to the lower budgets). Because series are so short in the UK (6 or 8 episodes per year is common) even established TV actors have always had to find other work in any given year to make a living which means they've

Our pubs have always served beer that's "cellar cool", which is to say well below room temperature but above refrigerated temperatures. This is because nice tasting beer deserves to be tasted, which is impeded by very low temperatures. True though, our pubs have, in the last 15-20 years, started serving the bottled

One difference with The IT Crowd is that everyone else is a few prawns short of a BBQ too. Roy and Moss are weirdoes and nerds but they're also arguably the sanest, most switched-on characters at Renham Industries whereas in Big Bang Theory the nerds are almost always the butt of the joke and though we see them in a

That tiger blood is some good shit.

That tiger blood is some good shit.