
Well, kinda. Speaking as someone who's been trying to rouse this backlash for a while, I think what you're describing is Modern Family, but it's also kind of the reason I don't like this show. It feels like a bunch of stolen ideas mashed together. Stuff to court the mainstream, stuff to court the alt-comedy geeks… But

Yeah, this was my favorite office episode in a while, because it was much more subtle than it's been recently. Less jokejokejokejoke more, oh yeah, we're sort of pretending this is a documentary. This one had the same writer and director, something that maybe has happened in the past on this show, but not that I'm

I don't think definitely an A… Did these things bug anyone else?
-why the why was Morgan filming Casey? All he knows is he's a loyal spy, and one who'd probably kick his ass if he caught him.
-The guy who was such a fan that he let them bypass all the security… was a dumbass. It wasn't like, "cool, they're outwitting a

Fat Farm
Anyone read the short story / comic Fat Farm? In it, there's a technology that lets rich people replace their bodies with a young, thin version. Unbeknownst to them, their consciousness is copy-pasted, not cut-and-pasted, and they have to work off ever pound…
This reminded me of that.

Lars Von Trier gonna be pissed
I'm sick of 30 rock stealing plots from all over the place. Dale Snitterman = The Boss Of It All.

Lars Von Trier gonna be pissed
I'm sick of 30 rock stealing plots from all over the place. Dale Snitterman = The Boss Of It All.