
There's a Washington and Lee University in Virginia! (I can imagine this as some Trumper's response.)

Sweet Jesus, his lawyers suck. I'm a lawyer, and I'm reminded daily in my work of how many bad ones are out there. But it's something else to see incompetence like this (with bigotry and assholishness on the side, gratis) representing the guy who's (legally, anyway) the President of the United States. Of course, a

That much of the Republican party at this point is gangrenous.

I've begun trying to make my way through Stevie Wonder's catalog, although I didn't really know how far to go back or at what point he stopped doing his best work. (Suggestions welcome.) I just jumped in and started with Talking Book and Innervisions (both excellent), and Fulfillingness' First Finale (good, but a

Yes. The original (non-alternate? other?) version is really good too, but the alternate version is on another level. It might be my favorite song of theirs.

Of all the shuffles posted every week, I'm going to miss yours the most, Shulkie, just because your taste in music seems to be closest to mine (except that yours is a little broader and a good bit cooler).

I started to look for myself up there, because I was doing the exact same thing as Trump went by on Pennsylvania Avenue on Jan. 20, before realizing that the picture was from almost 50 years ago. (By the way, it feels glorious to give Trump the finger, along with about a thousand other protestors, as he goes by. I

The Shins, "Gone for Good" (alternate version)
Nazareth, "Love Hurts"
Foo Fighters, "Lonely As You"
CCR, "Cotton Fields"
Michael Stanley Band, "My Town"
U2, "The First Time"
The Beatles, "I've Just Seen A Face"
Ramones, "Sheena Is a Punk Rocker"
Otis Redding, "Scratch My Back"
Social Distortion, "Don't Drag Me Down"

Not for black people.

I didn't know who that was, because I have not seen those movies, but I give you an upvote for not questioning my sanity.

I have a doctor who looks a lot like Jason Bateman, except with a wider face. Like if you put Jason Bateman's face into some sort of industrial press and applied enough pressure that it all spread a few inches wider (but without actually mushing his features flat into his face), it would look just like my doctor's

I'm having a similar experience with some relatives. It's maddening. I should be asleep now, but it's bothering so much that I'm still up.

Did he just come from the batting cages?

I think televising trials (or appellate arguments or other proceedings) is a distinct issue from letting people watch. The potential harm in televising proceedings is that the people in the courtroom will play to the camera — consciously or subconsciously — and thus affect or distort the proceedings. But they can

People (including me) do that to see arguments at the Supreme Court, and Taylor Swift isn't even in the courtroom!

Agreed. But I don't think anyone could even argue with a straight face that this was around the waist.

Yesterday I saw the picture of when this allegedly happened. It seems inconceivable that the guy could be doing anything but grabbing her bottom. If he wasn't actually doing that, his hand was just hovering inches off of the skin. He apparently said he might have brushed her ribs, but I don't see how anyone could buy

I remember going to theaters with college friends to watch all of the Star Wars re-releases, which was a lot of fun. I graduated that year, and Bill Cosby spoke at our graduation. Whenever he's in the news now, I think of that and wince (although he seemed like an especially sympathetic figure then, because it was

I saw them in concert for the first time in 1997, on the PopMart tour. I must confess I've never really gotten into Pop the album, and I don't remember much about that show. (I do remember that they entered in the lemon. [EDIT: Wikipedia says they got in the lemon before the encore.]) But it's still a good memory that

No beard, but I haven't shaved in two days, and I was stroking the not-quite goatee around my chin. You have special powers, apparently.