
Hmm. They did spend some formative time in Germany, too. You've given me something to think about, Jose.

If it makes you feel better, you can call me a grammar Nazi. (You would be correct.) I won't get you fired.

People like Jeffrey Lord lose the benefit of the doubt, and deservedly so. He should have been fired a long time ago. It's like getting Capone for tax evasion. Just be happy with the result.

On my first glance at the picture of Lord's office above this article, that picture of Reagan and the way it's positioned made it look to me like either Lord or Ronnie was doing exactly that. Kudos to whoever chose that picture; I have to think that was intentional.

Good. But he'll surely be on Fox News or working directly for Trump in a matter of days.

I will respectfully disagree. Avocado slices are great in a burger or sandwich, or on top of a salad. More for me, I guess.

"Devil's avocado here, Larry. I think people should freak the geek out."

And how are we to interpret "see her vagina shut"? Did he mean "sew"? Was it supposed to be sort of a metaphor, in the vein of "see to it that her mouth is shut"? (I'm going to assume that he was not suggesting literal visual observation of that particular body part closing.)

"It works, Liz. Look at me. Ever since I started secreting I've become a TV star, I've found my soul mate. You saw how flat Gwyneth Paltrow sang at the Oscars. I visualized all of that."

Start small. You don't have to start by running two miles or spending an hour on the elliptical. You don't even have to go to the gym. Just do something more than you're doing now. Add something to your routine. Take a walk around your neighborhood. Take a walk around your office. Take a walk around your home. Walk

I don't know what I'm going to do yet, but thanks. (I curse here more than I should, so that filter wouldn't be the worst thing.) Are all the complaints about Disqus here only (and justifiably) about the glitchy commenting system, and nothing more?

The New York Times is reporting that he ad-libbed his remarks about North Korea yesterday. He was supposed to be talking about opioids. None of his advisers knew he was going to threaten North Korea with "fire and fury". So I don't think Trump carefully selected that phrase to speak more directly and effectively to

I currently have only an A.V. Club account. I'm assuming I'd have to register and create an account with Disqus to migrate. Are there any downsides to that? People in the town hall comments yesterday were suggesting that they'd somehow have a little less privacy or anonymity. Does being on Disqus "expose" me more?

Me too. I live about 2.5 miles northwest of the White House, and work within maybe a quarter of a mile from the Capitol. I do not want to be in my office and with my co-workers when the world ends. If it comes, I hope it comes at night while I'm sleeping.

I was amused when George came up right after that double-shot of The Ronettes, because I have an old Beatles concert poster in my office, and The Ronettes are one of the opening acts. (Bizarrely, it doesn't look like they were billed as the biggest opening act.) It would have been a great show, at least in theory. The

The Ronettes, "Baby, I Love You"
The Ronettes, "Why Don't They Let Us Fall In Love"
George Harrison, "Run Of The Mill"
The Drifters, "Up On the Roof"
The Joy Formidable, "Whirring"
Smashing Pumpkins, "Starla"
Blind Willie Johnson, "Let Your Light Shine On Me"
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, "Something In The Air" (live)

I think you used "journalist" by mistake when you meant "blowhard hypocrite," "scared-shitless disseminator of lies," or "asswipe".

Best news in a while. It's still a pleasure to go back and watch old interviews and segments from his show on YouTube. When he likes a guest or is really interested in a topic, he's a fantastic interviewer. And so funny and quick on his feet.

Only 30,000 people will see this, but every one of those 30,000 will become a documentary filmmaker.

The headline was quite clear: He's just dead inside, like all of us.