
Above The Law is sleazy tabloid garbage. I had one interaction with that guy that confirmed that belief for me.

You're absolutely right. Resistance to Trump just died because three non-founding members of Journey apparently like him. I'm going to stop giving money to Democrats and the ACLU now. All hope is lost, because three non-founding members of Journey like Trump. Verily, this is the political equivalent of Fat Man and

Someday love will find you
Break those chains that bind you
One night will remind you
How we touched
And went our separate ways
If Trump ever hurts you
True love won't desert you
You know I still love you
Though we touched
And went our separate ways

Sadly, I learn too much about terrible people and their terrible behavior from you, MLA. (Hope you're getting over your illness.)

Once again, Trump brings the word "incestuous" to mind.

18 U.S.C. § 3553!

The reports I'm reading say he faces up to 20 years in prison, but that experts don't think his sentence will be that long. I'll guess — based on nothing, mind you — that he gets somewhere between one and five years. (I'm rooting for longer, though.)

No, the article clearly said "you could probably get away with . . . stripping down . . . from . . . The Jewels to The Shins . . . ."

My theory is that this is a reference to Chobani, which employs refugees and has been subjected to smears from right-wing nutters because of it. Alex Jones, to whom Trump pays attention (and I can't believe I just typed that), recently had to retract some false statements he made about Chobani to settle a lawsuit.

I genuinely like your comment, but I have to point out that it's Gandhi, not Ghandi. (You're certainly not the first person to make that mistake. It just drives me nuts.)

You are entirely too reasonable to be on the Internet, Shulkie. I'm going to need to see your Internet license and registration.

They've known all along, but he's racist, so they're cool with it.

When she's at the podium, she reminds me of a high school student who's called in front of the class, hasn't done the reading and doesn't know the answers to the teacher's questions. But she won't admit it, so she just stands there, looking sullen, fidgety and defeated, and gives non-answers out of the side of her

But it's not clear that Trump is correct about what Pena Nieto actually said. According to Trump, Pena Nieto said very few people are crossing the border because they know they won't make it across. According to the Mexican government, Pena Nieto told Trump that deportations of Mexicans from the U.S. had fallen over

Bless you. And yes, fuck this.

The "Stuff that was added later doesn't count" argument is a strange one. But I suspect Miller — not to mention Sessions, Bannon, Gorka and their kind — would also like to apply it to, say, the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.

I've been assuming it's an elaborate scheme to illustrate how terrible people are at writing, spelling and expressing their thoughts clearly, the demonstration of which will then spur massive educational reforms. No?

I think this is the first time I've seen someone other than me list Tesla. (Good song, too.) I will feel slightly less shame the next time I do.

My mom, sister and I didn't get to go on our trip to Alaska last week, because of flight problems. That was disappointing, although we made the most of it by hanging out together for most of the week. That was nice in a way, because rarely do the three of us get to be together without having some other social or