
We could talk about The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings, the 1976 movie starring Richard Pryor, Billy Dee Williams and James Earl Jones. Except that I haven't seen it. Sounds promising, though, doesn't it?

Sadly, "should" stopped mattering sometime last year.

Is that the movie poster for Born Rich, behind the two of them on what looks like a restaurant window? With a real-life Richie Rich-looking kid and a big (presumably silver) spoon? And the gawdawful tagline "Just don't gag on it," that the combined writing staffs of The Simpsons, Seinfeld and 30 Rock couldn't have

From the time Naismith first put up a peach basket in the Springfield YMCA, nothing worse has happened to the game of basketball than the '90s Knicks. Except maybe the Knicks of the '00s and the '10s.

There are apparently rather thin walls separating my apartment from the ones on either side of me. Until a couple of months ago, I lived between a weird, otherwise-silent older guy who occasionally sings karaoke classic rock (or plays Rock Band, maybe) in his apartment, and a couple who would predictably hump late on

This week's highlights at work included Green Day's "Kerplunk" and Metallica's "…And Justice For All". (My boss walked into my office during "The Frayed Ends of Sanity," and I think he was a bit surprised.) I started digging into Stevie Wonder's "Songs in the Key of Life" yesterday afternoon and was happy to discover

I heard your voice when I read that, Duffman.

"Jim" is complete bullshit, of course, like almost everything that comes out of Trump's mouth.

Speaking of God and dumbfucks, Pat Robertson interviewed Trump today. Trump insisted that Putin would have preferred it if Clinton had won. (Never mind those emails sent to Donnie Jr.!) And Robertson seemed to be hoping along with Trump that the Turtle can get a bill through the Senate so that Obamacare can be

I hope it's working well for you. I tried one for a couple of days many years ago, but I just didn't like having something like that stuck on me all the time. And there was so much ancillary stuff (equipment, supplies, refills) that seemed like a headache. I'm guessing that's gotten better now, though. I suspect I'll

The last great Stones song, in my opinion.

I do something similar periodically — I'll log all of my blood-sugar readings and my insulin doses for a week or two (which requires me to note how much I'm eating). It's annoying, which is why I usually give it up after a week or two, but I've found that it does tend to make me aware of patterns and bad habits, which

Those guys were fantastic all the way up through Hysteria. How many other groups put out two Diamond records in a row?

Paul McCartney, "What It Is"
Elvis Costello & The Attractions, "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding"
The Rolling Stones, "Country Honk"
T. Rex, "The Slider"
Def Leppard, "Let It Go"
Sam Cooke, "Twistin' The Night Away"
Stevie Wonder, "Blowin' In The Wind" (live)
Arcade Fire, "Wake Up"
Everclear, "Santa

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place for it, but The Big Sick is great. Best movie I've seen in a while, and best comedy I've seen in years. I can't remember the last time I laughed that much in a movie theater. Great script, and great performances from everyone. So, hooray.

I don't know why it's OK to look for Indians to play an Arabic role, but I'll do it. I can't sing or dance and I've never seen Aladdin. I did deliver my lines flawlessly in a couple of elementary school productions, though. I think that makes me the leader in the clubhouse.

I guess that covers both removal and resignation. I'm not sure which is more likely. I just think the Republicans have basically stood up for Trump every step of the way as this scandal has unfolded, accepting his justifications or making up their own, no matter how crazy or inconsistent. I wonder if, by doing so,

"Current Events" includes sports and the weather, right? Just stick to those and you'll be fine. Well, maybe not the weather. I guess that could lead to entanglements with climate change. So just sports, then. And those local news stories about pets that do something cute on video.

We have collusion. I don't think anyone can sensibly argue otherwise. (The right-wing media, on the other hand . . . .) Still, I don't expect anything to change anytime soon. That's going to take a while, if it ever happens. I have my doubts. The cynical part of me — which has been growing — thinks Republicans are too

Are you Dumbledore? Parts of what you wrote sounded exactly like him. I was hearing his voice in my head. You're him, aren't you?