
But is Oscar Isaac doing sexy sex things in it? Because that's all I care about

fyi it's better to be overweight in old age

good to know I'm not crazy thanks

Only three places! Come on! I'll add a few… Piknik Electronik is a fucking good time, and Parc Jean Drapeau in general is a place people need to visit. Not enough can be said about how nice it is to hang out in Old Montreal, I was there for an international cultural festival with street food and performances and face

Amen, best city in North America in my mind

Wouldn't it be amazing if one day someone made a movie on the subject of the holocaust where Jews weren't B or even C characters within a story about their own fucking massive tragedy? A movie that wasn't about some goyishe savior that was made specifically to make goys feel better about themselves and soften all the

woops, season 4 haha

cock shaped potato… she generally uses a cucumber but she'd already put it in a salad…. OMFG

I don't know, I don't think they can be compared. Both are phenomenal on this show. In a few episodes Nathan was really given a chance to have some depth as a character and Sheehan pulled it off amazingly, especially that episode in season 2 where he met his half brother. If only Sheehan had stayed on, I think Nathan

btw I am so confused as to how it is even possible for a man to fuck a turtle… the pieces don't fit tho… NO ONE answer this question

Am I the only person fucking dying at Finn every episode (partially from the writing I guess but 80% because of Nathan McMullen's delivery)… I didn't like him in season 1 at all but he is just so hilarious this season (it's the little things) and McMullen is a fantastic actor. But I feel completely alone on this… just

I will never forget that Vince Vaughn was good in Swingers and clay pigeons, he was even good in that anne heche, joaquin pheonix foreign imprisonment movie… oh well

ok this one's amazing and made me laugh

I didn't like the Jess/ Rudy resolution either and the treatment of women by this show continues to be mildly horrifying ( Alex basically wanted to rape that girl?And that whole exchange was just awful)… But I do not think Finn is annoying anymore simply because Nathan Mcmullen is being a fucking awesome actor lately,

To be fair with that beard russell crowe literally became my dad, who is a proud beardy Russian Jewish man… Russell doesn't look "Aryan" in this

omg my biology class too! it was great

Amistad in history, spartacus in latin, life is beautiful in one class i don't remember, a whole shit ton of others… In a film theory and appreciation class we watched 8 1/2, city of god, the shining, american beauty, vertigo, some other ones… our teachers had good taste tbh

Yo, but Libby really, reeeallly, needs to stop calling her husband "daddy"… I die a little more inside each time she says it

yes! I almost did a spit take, I was so surprised and happy to see him pop up..

this was such an enjoyable and great episode, and nathan mcmullen especially is turning out to be an amazing actor (at least comedically)… do you ever just enjoy anything?