
I thought honestly that hiddleston and fassbender were the interchangeable ones

omg, best comment

the movie's not even out yet? how can you judge from the trailer immediately what it's really like… not that I give a shit or ever liked robocop… BUT HAI JAY BARUCHEL HOW U DOIN? 

Let's ignore the golden compass movie ever happened and give the dark materials trilogy another go because that shit is amazing and deserves a real film adaption, a fucking good one that's not PG.

When I was little I read john bellairs books godammit!

Nelsan Ellis playing MLK, Liev Schreiber as LBJ? I'm in tbh

I am so angry Michael Fassbender is in this… stop being attractive while playing disgusting pieces of shit ok thanks?

I would advise pretty much everyone in this comment thread to go suck a dick

oh fuck off

the way she said " my father hasnt given me anything" was so powerful and so sad

eh he's got a weird fat face still.. don't see that much of a stud

Ok I completely didnt read that Pete and Bob scene as Pete being merciful towards Bob. I thought Pete did it because he was scared of what Bob's "type of animal" was capable of and didn't want to have any conflict between them. Because Bob threatened Pete earlier in the episode and then Pete already knows that messing

Mad Men is both TV's best comedy and best horror show

more importantly how was russell crowe?

I hated this movie.

or cadence

the treatment of the Jewish mother and daughter storyline was bullshit… I like how they topped off the entire shitty morality lesson for the english people by raising a GIANT CHRISTMAS TREE

oh fuck that book traumatized me in high school… its probably one of the most distressing and horrifying things I've read, of course james franco would adapt it into a movie?

My reaction to this trailer "OMG I HAVE TO SEE THIS MESS"  just from all those super famous actors ridiculously looking nothing like the famous people they're supposed to be portraying… lol cusack and robin williams and marsden ! (I can't!)

Oh god no… I'm sorry but no… Even The New World was sort of icky b/c of the age differences and that movie basically had to be that way cause pocahontas… but why is this happening?