
Jared Padalecki looks fucking hot in glasses. That is all.

Honestly, my strongest memory of Peter Sarsgaard is him playing the horrible murdering rapist in Boys Don't Cry… he does that kind of role well I noticed.

pretty much everyone would take it from james spader at a certain point in their lives I think

I thought he was one of the strongest parts of Boys Don't Cry, next to hilary swank

I want a movie starring… Sarsgaard, Skarsgard and Skarsgard…. ahahaha… I crack myself up

The scene between Ray and Shoshanna in the subway was really fucking poignant. The actors definitely sold that scene. Also the fight between Jessa and Thomas John was a close second for me in terms of unforgettable scenes.

No one is going to mention anything about the cast of girls being in this movie? Ok, I will. Alex Karpovsky and Adam Driver are in a coen bros movie! I don't even know why I am so excited about this. But I am.

1) Oh Brother, Where art thou?
2) Oh Brother, Where art thou?
… you see where I'm going with this?

Perfect… I'm still not convinced Oscar Isaac isn't just David Krumholtz.

That James Mcavoy is a good looking fella

Ellen Page hasn't been twee since hard candy

No I was wondering about that too… I could've sworn that was the lady from tiny furniture

the way lena said they are fetus sized had me stop the show so I could laugh about it

Donald Glover needs to be a regular cast member on this show. I refuse to believe that he is gone. His presence elevated all the scenes.

This episode was so funny. As usual Baldwin had some of the best lines and line deliveries. " I know those aren't flowers…" "so did Lucifer" and basically everything else he has said this episode was hilarious

But is it boring to watch?

inexplicable… what about utter contempt and hatred is inexplicable?

inexplicable… what about utter contempt and hatred is inexplicable?

seriously… thank you.

seriously… thank you.