
When have they ever? What did the dream sequence from the fog tell us about Betty that was new? It was still great to watch though and drove some points home. Sometimes it's just nice to have a dream sequence because they're cinematic.

Is it jumping the shark though if you never come back down?

I wouldn't have left the purse there if my guest was black, white, jewish (I'm jewish) or my brother… But it did seem that in Peggy's case it was less just a general distrust of people but a distrust of dawn because she's black.

how old is he? I think he may be too young to remember…. his dad though…

it almost seemed out of character but everyone's been treating sterling like shit lately

A+ episode for me but then again I'm one of those freaks who loved the fog … I like when shit gets disturbing, creepy, dark whatever and Mad Men seems better at turning on the tension and mood than most of the horror/ psychological thriller movies coming out these days. For some reason I never quite pictured Don being

if I find myself laughing once or twice during an snl episode- it is a strong episode! I laughed at the monologue, and at the just friends and pizza bit—- so I guess this episode wasn't bad

Holy shit that is a perfect comparison. No wonder I love this show so much. Gatsby was a perfect book with such beautiful imagery and prose! Yay 11th grade english lit!

didn't feel like he was a stereotype… what was stereotypical about him? Ok the fast talking jew thing but that's about it.

I mean it's possible but it just surprised me that's all. Unexpected to have a first generation american character on the show. But a lot of things surprised me tonight. Mad Men is clearly expanding its scope.

LMAO. I was intensely surprised by that to be honest.  She should of said no I'm quebecoise! Where was her separatiste nationalism? As usual american entertainment is completely ignorant to any and all canadian social issues even though most of the american industry is centered in canada.

oh that is interesting.

oh you mean you hated the character… ah alright… I kinda liked him but it may just be the attractive actor playing him

oh you mean you hated the character… ah alright… I kinda liked him but it may just be the attractive actor playing him

If this episode's goal was to make me identify and sympathize with the "olds" or at least the old souls like peggy then it succeeded. I was caught off guard and off center by all the sudden changes in this episode. I was like "whoa slow the fuck down when did this happen? what is happening on this show!" There was fat

He britta'd it

lol what? a hate crime? I have to admit I was a little confused about what the fuck was going on in the ginsberg house but I don't think that it was out of the realm of possibility. And why the fuck did his dad have such a strong russian accent?

I feel donald glover has been unfairly maligned in the comments below. I've watched the community gag reel and he's funny in those … And I've rightly decided that gag reels are the ultimate windows into an actor's soul and the only fair way to judge their character. Yep… I'll just be over here in the land of denial. I

I thought it was pretty funny. Not amazing but it didn't suck. 

That needs to happen.