
six seasons and a movie!

the new batman movie is coming out so it wasn't that untimely

spok(oy)n( ii) nochi :D

I did! I thought castiel was going to be back in "the bourne again identity" but I guess I was mistaken. I'm wondering what the show is planning to do with the character. I hope they aren't bringing him back just to kill him off permanently although I'm pretty certain that's going to happen. Also I think it won't

I want to watch nic cage and nic cage have a threeway with the declaration of independence! someone finance this movie!

I'm sure this movie fails because nic cage lied and did not get craig ferguson and geoff a role in the movie.

That Lucifer as Castiel counterpart theory is very intriguing and I got the same feeling when I was watching Lucifer help Sam out with the case. I like that the show has maintained Sam as Cain and Dean as Abel- for all of Dean's associations with the light, Sam has a mirror image of them with the dark. I'm hoping that

C+? Really? This was a great episode. Supernatural has tried hard to recapture the feeling of the first five seasons and this was the only episode (and last week's) that I felt truly accomplished it. There were so many great moments this episode that I don't think it deserves such a low grade. And how can you hate on

but not with his hook hands!


Annapolis 2 or something about the military

the romanian stuff was the funniest- "vampire push!"- and one side of my family is romanian

WAR GAMES! Bring Matthew Broderick up in this bitch. He'll solve the problem with some tic tac toe


plucky not professor… also this was definitely right up there with wishful thinking- I love the absurd episodes so this one was perfect

looks more fun than melancholia anyway

on the knocked up DVD in the commentary (yeah I listen to some commentaries) seth rogen says something about katherine heigl being one of the few people in that movie who could act, and that in their scenes together her acting elevated his- I really hope he was being self-deprecating because that is completely untrue-

a walking bag of fuck- that's new

finally someone mentions supernatural… and I totally agree with everybody but bobby lmao- that show is filled right to the brim with hot men- do you have any order if you were forced to pick? (between cas, sam and dean?) personally: sam, dean, cas but if you go with real life: misha, ackles, padalecki

me too! (shawn hunter I mean)- and eric before they turned him into a complete moron