
I'll jump on any chance to talk about jensen ackles' attractiveness…shit that guy is attractive isn't he?… even more so than when he was younger because there was a long period there where he was a little bit too boy bandish pretty for my taste

Will don get in legal trouble at some point? seems like it has to happen…

is he a hoodlum? he just seems odd…

ugh… I hate Betty with the fire of a thousand suns… I want Sally to be a teenager already so I can see her become a radical feminist and just give her mother (and don/dick deserves it too lets be honest) a giant fuck you to her face

he's a rapist? when? what did I miss? I mean he's a slimy prick, but criminal?

I agree jensen ackles holds it all together, although jared padalecki is also a very good actor and I'm upset that they haven't been giving him much to do lately (except for alternately acting crazy and tired)… I hope that at some point dean can recover(from his alcoholism, exhaustion, obsession with his brother),

Last night I was in the gym and this was on the tv… I couldn't believe that it was an actual show being made in 2012

man stellan skarsgard is the biggest creeper- he plays psychos too well

what she didn't like the movie?

she's 62… there are actors much older than her still going strong… but I guess I forgot that a woman's age is measured in dog years

meryl why?

too old to play old? you're fucking with me right?

I'm not even disputing this fact with you.

I don't think it was exaggerated at all, because if you had watched all of the episodes you would know that the misfits exist in a pretty rough universe (the world that misfits portrays is bleak to the extreme) and also they live in a poor and neglected part of town… shit happens

I don't really like movies starring horses but I'll see this.

The only thing I ever liked her in was Girl Interrupted. Is she so popular because she is attractive (in a rather unique way) and married to Brad Pitt? Someone explain her ridiculous appeal to me, please.

Wow. An F. This must be intensely horrible. What movies has av club given an F so I can compare?

sandra bullock was good in infamous

seen young adult and shame- out of the two young adult was the more convincing movie- yes insanely attractive people can also be miserable

his penis was worth the price of admission