Post-Modern Warfare


Well, it's not quite a Group, and it's not quite a coupon, but man… hahahahaha!

They had 6 plates of food in their cell, assuming they'd both get one every day 8 Mexican days translates to 3 American days?

Looks like Caruso will be lining up….

He's in Battleship for a couple of seconds as well. The actor has a fix on 'random news guy'.

Project X out now on DVD Bluray and On-Demand

Man, D'Elia is so good. I've stuck with watching Whitney just for him, because every now and then he'll get a little weird and it'll be the best thing to come from the show. It's almost like he's playing up the fact that he's in a fucking terrible sitcom and is rolling with it.

If it's anything like Annie's stint in the Dreamatorium I'll be there with bells on. BELLS.

Man, that quip about Ridley Scott got me realizing how much of a goddamn miracle it is that Prometheus is a month-ish away from release.

God, if it is that's just crazy. The season for me has just been ridiculously strong the whole way through. Even if the last episode sucks donkey balls I'd still say it's HIMYM's strongest season ever.

This weekend I just started taking anti-depressants, and as a weekend alcoholic it was a terrifyingly sober couple of days. I just realised how very few recreational activities I do without the influence of alcohol. It sucked because I got invited to go out but I just couldn't bring myself to go to a bar and sip on


It reminds me of when American Dad did their World Of Warcraft parody only a few weeks after South Park. They (AD, that is) put so much work into the animation (They hired a whole animation house to do it!) and then South Park craps out their WoW episode in probably a week and gets all the glory.

I guess I just like it for the same reason I like It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia; It's horrible dicks being horrible dicks to one another and everything is awful and nobody learns anything. I know it's not everyone's thing (and considering we are on Fox, will mean that this show has 3 more weeks, tops, before it

Oh man, if the Uncharted fanboys that stormed this place last week had attention spans over 2 hours they'd get pissy about this grade.

Not sure how I feel about American Dad being tonights' weak link in the lineup. Hell, I'm even starting to warm to Allen Gregory (I just really dig comedies where everyone is horrible to everyone else, kay?)

There's this part of me that things that the 'Marge And Homers' Taste Buds Kiss' shot was somehow influenced by Tim And Eric, but I doubt it.

I'd play the shit out of Assassins' Creed: Summer Of Love. Just sayin.

It feels like every now and then SOMEONE tries on Family Guy and they crank out an episode like this. It's why I've stuck with the show for so damn long even though it finds new ways to infuriate me with it's laziness.

Yeah, at first I thought that the whole BIRTH CERTIFICATE POLITICIAN thing was a bit hackneyed and stale, but then it became about the characters and their reaction to the situation, rather than the writers trying to make any sort of statement about current events. Fantastic episode.