
You rock, rock.
Does anyone else just picture Jude Law telling a story about how he convinced Eddie Vedder to eat a tuna fish sandwich despite his apparent distaste for them?

Everyone's got the lightning
Do you intend to use it?
Feel it inside
Daddy don't mind
Benjamin Franklin Music

These guys are fucking great.
But I am really surprised to see them on this site. Shocked, actually.
They have a must-see live show. Never a dull moment.
"I put the brain of a retarded man into a dog's head"

How are there so many people who describe his books as readable? Simultaneous storylines broken into 10 page bits with at least two pages dedicated to summarizing what happened in the last chapter. He writes like a TV soap opera.
Does he not realize we can just flip back a few pages if we don't remember what color

Did they have to put a feeding tube in his wormhole?

My dad made me watch Buckaroo Banzai and Monty Python when I was way too young. That is why I am so awesome.

Unless Martin conducts the sex act with a strap-on attached to his face like the nose from Roxanne I am not interested.

But he included Veronica's Closet. Kirstie Alley is crying into an armful of doughnuts right now.

Source Awards (circa 1995)
"East Coast ain't got no love for Dr. Dre and Hotel for Dogs?"

Why remake RoboCop? The original was fucking brutal and full of satire. What else can a new film really bring to the table? (Besides more than one acid-covered baddie getting demolished by a car)