
Did he trot out the Jimmy Stewart impression again in this special? You know, the one he ripped off the security guard from the Long Goodbye and recontextualized in a hilarious gag that also involved an Irish cop, Cary Grant and a prostitute. That always seemed to be the last gasp of

…but yes, this album is pretty much garbage, although a few of the songs get better on subsequent listens. If anything Josh's review is too kind, I'm sorry to say.

it's a message board on the internet. we're not calling anyone macaca here.

Jon Brion
The Home Demos and, to a lesser extent, Meaningless debunk the "Life's a Carnival" schtick. Pure power-pop balladry at its finest, in both cases.

Bande Black Rio's Live Album with Caetano Veloso
Easily my favorite live record of all time. There's definitely the element of 70's "theme-song" to them, but their sound is so damn cool and the added element of Caetano Veloso lends the music some critical heft.

Shouldn't it be Tha' Cos?

You all have terribly unrefined palates. Steak and Onion, Vinegar, Bacon and Prawn are the most delicious snack foods this side of hula-hoops.

Ebert is a remarkably nice guy, unless you waste his fucking time with a shitty movie, or you're Siskel.

Gleemonex For Pets…
"It's made from monkey cum."

I figured this to be a Wire spin-off featuring Bob and David before I actually read it.

Sun City
Ruben Blades' participation in the boycott of Sun City secured the end of Apartheid. Little known fact: Buscando America was PW Botha's favorite record, while de Klerk was a huge Afrika Bambaataa fan.

I'm Edgar Frog, surfboard shaper and vampire hunter

If they adjusted the character of the old transient, I think he would be a good fit. He exudes the philosophical heft that even the minor characters in McCarthy novels possess in abundance.

fuck i'm an idiot
I'm only through the end of season two, watching the Wire, and I knew there'd be spoilers, but I'm so in awe of Omar, and the show, itself, that I foolishly thought I could skim through well enough to avoid any dirt about the show's denouement. So Omar dies, eh? I feel like a moron for discovering

Cruise: the crust-punk Bohemian Rhapsody

my favorite entry
The entry for 'nihilism' used to be completely blank, which was far better than the undergraduate philosophy student miasma that currently represents the topic.

meh movies
he was, if i remember correctly, the one memorable character in Perfect Storm

michael medved age 13
is my monitor fucked or does that kid have a chocolate milk moustache?

Roeg's not much better off, having been reduced to making skinemax porn through the 90s. Although, I guess that's still better than anything Dane Cook

I take it in 1994 you probably dissed Bee Thousand.
Presumably, GBV is a band you reevaluated for the better?