
For much of the movie I was convinced this was going to be a movie about a gaslight. Either Gordo and the husband where in some sort of collusion, or Gordo and the wife. In an early scene at Bateman's job and at the last part scene, there is a male character whom never talks. In the credits he's listed as Dale and

Hal Williams: he was the dad on 227 and one of the Sgts on Private Benjamin.

"As a matter of fact, Christmas has always smelled like oranges to me."

Until I rewatched this episode last week, I had no idea how many moments from this exact show I still unconciously recreate. 1. When ever I find myself sitting across from someone at a table and the mood turns, I do the arm thing. 2. Anytime I'm around a baby and his/her/its body jerks about I ask "who's been

Until I rewatched this episode last week, I had no idea how many moments from this exact show I still unconciously recreate. 1. When ever I find myself sitting across from someone at a table and the mood turns, I do the arm thing. 2. Anytime I'm around a baby and his/her/its body jerks about I ask "who's been