Porkchop Express

Damn scousers are everywhere.

Either in prison and the father of a newborn or lying on a beach in Mexico.

Best post EVAR!!!

Prehensile tail like Nightcrawler. Especially if you could use it to swing from.

I thought for sure that the 4 fingers were going to change into The Shocker. Annie is just that kind of girl.

Love Frontiline, so count me in. We are legion.

Ain't no failure there, Greymalkin. You were the lead off hit that allowed the bases to be full for a grand slam. Witty mofos.

I think I may have seen a commercial for it. What is strange is that the premise of the show doesn't sound very interesting but it seems to be getting onto a lot of critic's best show of the year lists. Who knew a show about a crime solving dog on Animal Planet would be good?

The finale pretty much destroyed Rubicon's chances of being on a best of list for me too.

I'm with fastandsloppy.

Terrier-like described the qualities of both Hank and Britt. Tough, small but unwilling to back down from a challenge, loyal, tenacious. It is also a name that is used to describe private investigators in older novels.

@Joe Kickass- That is awesome. The idea that we are having a tough time coming up with worse marketing for their show must hurt over at FX.

TEPFPR- Everybody knew why it was canceled anyway. Its not like it was a huge revelation that the ratings were bad. As far as I can tell, the only reason for Landgraf to have the conference call is to attempt to push the blame for the ratings away from himself and the marketing. Maybe to say how much he loved the

I've heard people mention a couple of times now that this show was laid back and apparently not intense or emotional. Are we watching the same show? This show was one of the most soul crushing things I've seen on TV. It constantly left you gutted.

"I'm pretty sure I told it right."

Langraf update
I've never seen that updated commercial until now and I watch quite a bit of TV. I had only ever seen the dog commercials and ads. I'd be curious to know if anyone else saw it on other networks, as that is a decent ad? Why was that ad not shown on FX but the dog ones were? The only reason I watched

I did and agree wholeheartedly. It is a testament to just how good the actors and writers are that it can draw you in in such a short amount of time.

As Sepinwall points out in disagreeing with Landgraf, something obviously went very wrong in the promotion of this show. Even the first episode had terrible ratings which I think points to how badly FX promoted it.

Oh dear,
CR-That was one of the funniest things I have ever read on the internet. I really thought you were taking the piss with your first comment as it was so spot on. Your second comment makes it clear that you should have probably finished watching all 13 episodes.