
One the most vivid childhood memories I have happened the day after Part 1 aired. I was on the school bus and everyone was talking about it. My best friend at the time said he thought it was the baby that did it. Needless to say everyone laughed in his face, including me. To this day I don't know if he was joking or

But then people would have just thought him to be an athlete and not a pervert.

No more bumped episodes because of football. But TBS does air postseason baseball, so that might be a problem.

"Everybody take a look at this dipshit! What's the matter, kid? Didn't wanna pay for the whole tan."

I'm reminded of Poltergasm when Steve and Stan had that shared dream about a Grimace cup. I finally picked up on it around the third or forth rewatch. Since then I'm made it point to try and remember earlier lines to catch the call backs.

I hope it's worth the two week wait. (I'm pretending last week never happened)

Guess what?

I don't know what to say about this one. All sorts of weird. Watching this episode I kind of felt like I was one of those mental patients at the asylum: all drugged up and not knowing what the hell is going on. Even that goofy Blue's Brother chase scene couldn't snap me out of the stupor that Chinese guy put me in.

Just wait till you get to Rubberneckers. IMO some of the best musical numbers in the series. An overall great episode.

"One does not simply walk into Austin, Texas."

When I heard that guy start to talk I thought we were gonna get another PSA from Jon Hamm. It sounded like him.

"You can take the brain out of a German but you can't take the German out of a brain."

Okay, I found it and read it. That's really odd. There must be some sort of legality issue as to why they never said "why". Oh well. We got our section on Tuesday's WOT. See you there!

I'm still a little confused. Did AVC even make an announcement that they weren't going to continue reviewing the show? Or did they just stop and let us figure it out on our own.

I liked that visual gag when all the movie goers were waiting outside the theater.

Not to mention Butter's delivery of the line "She stab me, the hooker stab me." He didn't know what to believe in that moment. Also the little bit where he was exiting Cartman's room and banged his head on the wall. Butter's was great in this one.